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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Sejjr

  1. "I've been doing this a long time." Those are some solid bona fide's, Mike. You must be an expert!

    Mike Farrell is an aggy loving shithead and I hope he gets sued by Mario Puzo's estate and Paramount for stealing that logo.

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    Still equivocating for Seven Loss Steve, I see. As to getting the better "of the two people that we know we went after", um, no, we didn't get the better one. I don't give a flying fuck at this point if Urban Meyer wants to walk around sticking his fingers up every coed's butthole on campus, denies The Holocaust, and makes his assistants and players sob like fucking 5 year olds in the morning, afternoon, and night - I'd take him right now over Seven Loss Steve without a second's hesitation. 

    That too much for folks? Want a "good man" coaching your football team? Go root for the local Pop Warner stars. Go home and play with your kids. No one else gives a fuck. 12 years of getting buttfucked by hillbillies in the wilderness has a whole bunch of us itching to see W's, even if the HC happens to be a big ol'meanie.

    Also, LOFL at the approach to the Kansas loss. "I mean, sure, sucks to lose to fucking Kansas and all, but that loss was better than the way Charlie Strong used to lose, right? Guys?! Guys? AMIRITE here!?!" Awesome.

    Again, more equivocating. No, his track record isn't "incomplete". Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense. The guy has coached almost a decade as an HC. He's one of the only coaches in any American sport over the last 25 years to have been fired for being a fucking drunk on the sidelines. He lost to Kansas. His offense gained 14 yards in the last 6 drives against Oklahoma State. He's a bad HC. Awful.

    And as he shits himself here, we're all going to get to stew in the stench of it while we're told how wrong we are for wanting him gone after this season by the media and the AD and also what a fucking "great guy" he is. We'll hear that for the next 3 years until they Shaka him on his way and he fails elsewhere. 

    It doesn't suck as a fan. Many of us enjoy dealing with looking to the future inside the reality as it is, not as we want it to be. Virtue signal all you like, it's irrelevant to the truth.

    By the way, for you rubes that insist on the whole "we don't know what kind of HC he is" farce, there's always this hint of falling back on the idea that he's an otherwise good coach. Is he? He has been successful under the aegis of Pete Carroll's machine and Nick Saban's dynasty. He's been an abject failure at worst and a mediocrity at best in every other role. You cannot disconnect his success from two of the greatest coaches of all time, both of whom won titles irrespective of who was assisting them on their staffs. 

    I knew it...you work for Mitch and Murray. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Yeah and that retarded. Why the fuck should we show that school or any other respect or agree to anything. 

    Agree. We just gave them an annual “super bowl” game. Fuck those cunts. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. aggy is truly the most fragile ego in all of sports, and it is not even close. The fact that they continue to insult everyone's intelligence with their defensive arguments is totally on-brand. Everyone knows what went on this cycle. Their gamble will probably payoff; it certainly did in the short-term insofar as the "Recruiting Title" is concerned. But as we have seen since time immemorial, aggy is it's own worst enemy. They are so starved for acceptance and respect and bragging rights that they can't keep their mouths shut. This makes them low hanging fruit for punishment. If you piss off enough of your league mates, and arrogantly challenge them to a backyard brawl and threaten to turn them in if they talk, then you really are poking the bear. It only takes one pissed off coach with a connection at Yahoo Sports to get the ball rolling. 

    While it certainly appears that the NCAA is neutered and dying a slow death, they might also be like and old and cornered predator, looking to take one more bite before they wander off into the woods to die. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Right.  But nobody thought that their food talk was responsive to the staff thread. You seemed to be making a rebuttal argument on topic while being… off topic. 
    Of course fat fucks have heard of making their own food and many could probably even do that at a higher quality than whatever place they are eating. That’s not why they are there though. It’s convenience, ease, or for some people price maybe. 

    Apologies for derailing a thread derailment.

    I was actually eating a burger at Burger-Tex when I read the news that Bobby Jack Wright was being promoted to be our DC, so this thread is a little traumatizing. 

    • Haha 1
    • Rage+1 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Am I supposed to do this at my office at lunch time?  Just go ahead and knock that out at 8:00 at night after a 12 or 13 hour day at the office?

    the point of fast food isn’t- oh my gosh- I couldn’t possibly make a better meal for myself at home after taking the time to intentionally select special/superior ingredients so I will just go ahead and go to xyz. The point is it’s readily available and simple/easy. 

    And the point of a coaching staff thread is to talk about a coaching staff, yet here we are. 

    • Haha 3
  7. I still believe that aggy resides in the same tier with Ole Miss, despite what they tell themselves, where the NCAA would make an example of them. But their gamble this year, to go absolutely all-in with the bag game, seems to coincide with the NCAA being completely toothless in any level of punishment enforcement. So I think they will get away with it, unless the just aggy it up somehow, which is always possible with these idiots. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 10 hours ago, mr. sunshine said:

    But he really took the tiny bottle of chardonnay and some cheese cubes on a paper plate as an inspirational message and not the “fuck you” it was intended to be. Really 

    Well it IS Sutter Home, after all. 

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