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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Sejjr

  1. 6 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    I'm not exactly sure what that "divorce" entails. Sounds nice, but what does it specifically mean?

    Basically I am tired of blaming coaches, and recruiting, and talent, and development, and have decided that we are this shitty because of the University itself. I am broken. Teams like Alabama and Georgia, and even OU, seem to understand system-wide that football is it's own machine, and their administrations stay out of the way. But I am just looking for a new thing to punch, to be honest. Because at this point it feels like our problems are bigger than just hiring the wrong dude over and over and over again. 

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  2. Texas as a football program is broken systemically, and it is beyond repair at this point without a wholesale change. Until the football program is divorced from the academic side of this school, completely, and treated like the business that it is, we will continue to be a mediocre football program. Sadly, our fanbase seems to want Texas Football to be elite more than the University leadership does. 

  3. 1 minute ago, RomaVicta said:

    In my uneducated opinion, you're exactly right. We've become too accustomed to getting ahead and hoping something good happens for us. 

    That's not Sark's approach. Fuck you for starting this pole to just self-flaggelate about a miserable game. 

    I hate our offensive line. I've only said that about a few Texas players in the past. This line disgusts me. Penalties on first down are a fine Longhorn tradition now. Bijan got called for a false start, but he has plenty on the plus side of the ledger.

    We got our hopes up. It was too early to expect such a big turnaround. It makes me sick that only Kansas is a likely gimme win. This Herman-molded team finds ways to lose.

    Loath this OL. "Hate" is almost soft-pedaling it. This OL is historically bad, and that is saying something after seeing what garbage we have trotted out there over the last decade+. It is almost a miracle in a way, to see a program of this supposed stature, continue to recruit and develop such pure dogshit at the most important unit in the sport. And this years' edition is the worst we have ever had. 

    • Rage+1 1
  4. Scipio is heaping a lot of his ire onto PK and his scheme, but the fact remains, Texas' issues on defense are generally more a personnel issue than a schematic one. We have players starting at every level on this defense who should not be in the 3-deep. It reminded me of watching Jimmy Saxton playing DB against Colorado. All the schematic wizardry in the world can't account for exploitable players getting beat by better players. We have no pass rush threat at all. None. And who would you bring on a blitz that you can count on the actually get there? Add in the fact that for some reason the Big 12 refs just choose to ignore the OU holding technique, and you have the result we witnessed. 

    This defensive staff is definitely guilty of the fundamental shortcomings. Poor tackling, poor pad levels, and the continuation of the 15-year plague of Texas DBs not understanding the concept of playing the ball. I expect that we will improve in some of those areas as the season rolls on, but I also suspect that Gundy and others know exactly where and who to attack in this defense and it is not really going to get much better until we can upgrade the talent, unfortunately. Sark better scheme-up a shitpile of points next week.

  5. 12 minutes ago, UncleSonny said:

    I wonder if Aggierogue thinks Devanta Smith is David Boston’s size or if he just hasn’t watched college football for 3 years. 

    Exactly. The "He's too small for the SEC" take is pretty hilarious considering last years' Heisman winner was about 165 soaking wet as a high school senior. And not much bigger as a Heisman winner. 

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