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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Sejjr

  1. 58 minutes ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    I mean, I can only go by what's posted here, so who knows if it's fact. I'm hoping it's just internet rumor stemming from people being upset. But again, if you have concrete evidence that proves he did that I would probably change my stance. 

    I still remember an aggy telling me that Vince Young punched his coach during a game in High School and he would never amount to anything. They were spreading that rumor around for quite a while.

  2. I had an annoying aggy text me unprovoked last night attempting to bleat about the SEC, then he said aggy will have a "Bama Level Defense" this season. Best defense since the early 90s! Like that is saying something...

    The Roller Coaster is in full incline right now. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. 9 minutes ago, ousux said:
    1 hour ago, Reynolds Woodcock said:
    I find it really hard to give a shit if Jimbo Fisher is inviting recruits to his ranch during the dead period. If he can do it, we can and should be doing it, and if we aren’t that is our own fault. The NCAA’s silly rules should in general be derided and tossed aside in a manner that treats the NCAA with the lack of respect they deserve.

    That shit may fly in backwaters like Collie Station, Baton Rouge etc..where the towns exist to support the university, no other reason. If Sark even hinted at such a thing our journalistic luminaries like Kunt Bowels, FCB and Jabba the Ketch would be all over it like flies on dogshit...they couldnt resist at least cryptically breaking the news to their loyal sheep.

    The fact remains: if we really are the biggest swinging dick in college football, it's time to start acting like it. The NCAA is a fucking joke, and they are about to get steamrolled with the NIL shit that is coming. These kids will start doing all kinds of shit to get paid, and those fucks down at the NCAA will have no clue how to control it. Is it really a stretch to get an Uncle to setup a Coinbase account, and start getting paid in crypto? The days of McDonald's bags and FedEx envelopes are over. You think the NCAA even knows what an NFT is? It is going to get crazy, and Texas better be forward looking and optimizing every fucking advantage we have. I am sick of reading about "Georgia Bag Men" and Jimbo's silly shenanigans. We better get in this game for real. I expect Sark knows this. Jeff Banks certainly does. Time to stop fucking around.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. Aggy Recruiting narratives for T.U., 2022 Edition:

    Maalik Murphy - No stats! Zero! Swoopes 2.0!! Yeah we offered, but Jimbo got the guy he really wanted. 5-star is proof of more BOMC.

    Evan Stewart - Good player but we weren't really going hard after him. Besides, games are won in the trenches!

    Jaydon Blue - Good player, but we are overflowing with talent in the RB room. Might not even take a RB this class! And everybody knows games are won in the trenches!

    Armani Winfield - There are lots of WR prospects in Texas just as good. Jimbo will have his pick of them. Plus their OL is shitty, and Games are Won in the Trenches!™

    Trevell Johnson - Don't know who he is.

    Jaylon Gullbeau - Meh...Big 12 CB. Slow. Didn't really want him (despite the offer).


    Bottom line is, if we start picking off their coveted trench targets, aggy will break. It will be a glorious cascade of tears.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, Acropora said:

    I've got both of those.  Bought BAT in 2017 and was always surprised why it didn't get traction.  Right now what I do is put small positions in interesting protects and see what happens.  The brave browser is great and in many ways BAT is one of the few crypto projects that already has widespread real life utility.  Then again, it hasn't had the 10x returns that some of the alts have currently.  

    Totally agree on BAT and the Brave browser. Its great and it seems like their project makes a lot of real world sense. I bought into some of these alts mainly for fun and to learn more about the space with a little skin in the game. Re: Algorand, and other companies like Cardano, it seems that they are attempting to create an improved and more efficient platform to ETH, which has some very real-world issues with cost and fees. Plus you can earn more ALGO with staking (around 7% or so), which is pretty nice as well. It will be interesting to see what these alts do over the next few weeks.

  6. Algorand seems like a pretty interesting project and has been on a good run the last week. Also interesting is BAT, and I have started using their Brave browser which is built on Chromium so it functions like Chrome without all the ads and trackers, so it is much faster. And they will reward you with BAT if you opt in to look at an ad. It's pretty cool. I am fairly new to the alt space, but was curious what y'alls thoughts were on these 2.

  7. 2 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Ha. You touch on a fun subject for me, but probably a distraction on this thread, unless we want to get to 1000. 

    Who is the worst Heisman winner since WW2? It’s hard to beat Paul Hornung. Nevermind his pro career. It was fucking rigged for Notre Dame. Outside of that fuckjob, there is some other good bullshit. Gino fucking Torretta. Troy fucking Smith. Jason fucking White. One of Archie Griffin’s two years. 

    For me, Torretta is the worst followed by Griffin’s 2nd. Smith is a top 5-er though. 

    Danny Wuerfful(sp) Jason White and Charlie Ward say hold my beer.

  8. I received a smug little text message out of the blue from an aggy this evening and they are fully in their classic pre-celebratory mode for their early 2022 success and fully believe they will clean up this next cycle. It’s February after all. Despite the fact they have 5 commits to our 3 and we have a higher average, they are feeling quite proud of Jimbo’s COVID season and are starting to really bleat about it. So seeing an obvious aggy troll pop up and start slinging his shit around is hardly surprising. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
  9. 1 hour ago, closetohumping said:

    Name them and tell me why it's relevant to a 17 year old senior who will have free room and board the next four years?  They don't give a fuck about the homeless or COL.  

    Fair enough. Maybe they give a shit that Clay Helton is a shitty fucking coach who will be fired by this time next year?

  10. Just now, Texas Flood said:

    You should go outside. It feels great today

    You guys are some surly fuckers, that's for sure. I never said that I was cowering in fear in Los Angeles. The weather is beautiful today, as it usually is. The point is that the argument that LA is some sort of irresistible celebrity utopian paradise that no recruit or their parents could resist, is no longer really true right now. This city is not what it was. It will always be LA, and will always have an allure, but there are serious issues right now all across this city and if you don't see it then congrats on living your dream life in Malibu. 

    Now let's get back to bitching about recruiting.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Dijon Robinson said:

    Welcome to the party. Your shitty experience doesn't dictate the experiences of the other four million people living here.

    You are about 9 million short. You know how I know you don’t live in LA? 

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