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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sejjr

  1. Anyone know where I can get a fresh ‘LetsRide Initiative’ T-shirt?
  2. aggy likely has a more talented overall team than MSU, but I have a hard time seeing a win this weekend. The one dimensional Elko D and the TOP strategy will eventually backfire, and Schmitty trained teams weaken down the stretch. This is a probable close-loss for Jimbo.
  3. I love the convenience of the “currently ranked” qualifier. These morons actually believe losing to 2 currently ranked teams is better than beating a previously ranked team. And the best part is they think they are clever to start slinging stats that fit their specific narrative. “We’ll show those damn sips! See, we ARE better!”
  4. So conference affiliation matters unless it doesn't matter?
  5. I wonder how well that elite Elko D would do against the OU offense.
  6. Can't be said enough. His fucking arrogant analysis of Rondale Moore based on some 7 v 7 bullshit will live on forever. DIPSHIT.
  7. Fuck Urban. Fuck Ohio State. And Fuck EJ Holland for his HORRIBLE, IDIOTIC analysis last cycle of Rondale Moore.
  8. It’s only down if you don’t look up! #jimboeffect
  9. six hundredths of a point will look great in the Hall of Champion.
  10. You should spend a couple of days reading all 464 pages of this thread.
  11. Still looking for clarity on the Surly Mod is an aggy connection?
  12. Kyler Murray is the most hated former aggy in history (including the murderer dude) unless he is playing Texas, of course.
  13. SEC bye weeks will not be intimidated.
  14. HGH will do that to you.
  15. Side note, I am pretty sure they also covered every game that year except aggy. And the money line in the Rose Bowl was the bet of the decade. Betting on Vince Young always paid.
  16. So, did I miss something or is Scipio a fucking team doctor now?
  17. The name CJ Beatherd sounds like a fucking children's book author. The Lion, The Packer, and the Wardrobe.
  18. Cool beans.
  19. No chance the Pac 12 gets in this year.
  20. Shit, I was thinking about Matt Rhule. Nevermind.
  21. Never seen him with his mouth closed. It is fucking bizarre.
  22. I never thought I'd reach the point where I would be pining for a Fox broadcast. ESPN has really gone down the shitter. This was as bad as I have ever heard, Beth Mowins included.
  23. Sejjr

    WVU - ISU

    Iowa State is gonna win. Couches will rejoice all over Appalachia.
  24. No shit we looked slow. We had developed an identity for the first time in forever, and it runs through Sam. Shane was rusty, sure, but he is so limited in this scheme. If Sam is hurt for an extended period of time, we absolutely have to see what Rising can do. At least we have depth and options.
  25. Sejjr


    Win games any way you can. Get healthy this week.
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