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Frank Erwin

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Everything posted by Frank Erwin

  1. Agree on the 870 recs, if you can find an old one buy it, for the new ones, just walk on by
  2. I'm partial to the 4x weaver because that's what granddaddy always used. It is the scope i still have on a couple of my rifles
  3. His pull with the Saudis was selling gaudy gilded crap in NYC that they would pay top dollar for, they have the same taste
  4. Old 870 is my go to field gun and used it a lot for trap. The best skeet shooter I ever knew used an 1100 and loved smoking those guys with their fancy doubles
  5. I have the same gun but no scope on it yet, would like to find a 6x leupold
  6. I would look for a good used Winchester 101. I have a skeet/skeet and full/mod. Both 20 ga that serves most trap/skeet and dove/upland hunting. Really like the skeet/skeet for quail or close in dove. Should be able to find for around $1000-$1200
  7. Growth in Texas goes both ways. Tarrant County is a perfect example. Suburban Morons elect a nut job in the primary. Beto should get same numbers as against Cruz, but he does have a chance if the constellations align
  8. The timing of the small town swing may be good. It shows he is working his butt off in a traditional dead period when his opponent is a no show. I think he will do a whirlwind statewide tour before Election Day to remind those people he is there and Wheels is not. The Collin county numbers show where he has a real opportunity though
  9. I want to put up an ancillary sign in the yards of those that have back the blue signs (maybe with an asterisk that says except for Capitol Police on Jan 6 or the FBI at Mar a Lago)
  10. Finally tried Jesus BBQ, beef enchiladas were good
  11. I was fishing there about ten years ago. Relaxing in the River, away from the summer heat, enjoying the serenity of the moment. I look up and see two bear cubs on the bank. Then I see mama bear up River (with me in between) I could have tapped her with a fly cast, and I'm not a great caster. Only time I have ever been scared of a bear in the wild. Thankfully, mama walked on over to her cubs and paid me no mind. When I got back to the car my legs were still shaking.
  12. Pine River (los pinos) between Durango and Pagosa.
  13. Oldest son caught his first trout on a fly. He hooked two big (18-20") rainbows, but after he landed this guy, all he wanted to do was fly fish the rest of the trip
  14. We seem to be on the same wavelength. I only need one more rifle, and two or three each for my sons. But I could by shotguns all the day long
  15. I thought at his DC speech he looked like he just had a face peel. The Lincoln Project needs to run a 30 second spot with that Golf Course photo and ask if he looks fit for office
  16. Reminds me of the Wolf Brand Chili ad, "that's just too long". And I love being able to compare Tim Love to a bowl of Wolf Brand Chili
  17. Well Fatty, let me know your preferred auctions so I can get on the other ones and we don't bid up each other. Seriously, I used Gunbroker a couple of times in the past and was pleased. It helped that the sellers were close enough that I could do a physical pick up and actually meet the seller.
  18. Any recommendations for a Fort Worth gun store, one that focuses on classic/traditional guns (ie .22 hornet above)? I am looking to build out my boys gun collection as they grow up. Specifically looking at mod 70, model 12, Win 101, Browning, etc
  19. Great looking gun! I haven't looked in a while, what is the market like for pre 64 model 70s these days?
  20. We basically did the same thing Feb renewal for kids. Tarrant Co let's you do it in their govmt offices and bureaucrats were nice. They warned us to expect a 3 month wait but got them in less than a month. Who knew the govt could underpromise and overdeliver?
  21. There is a common denominator. Bannon is the consultant for both Trump and Orban
  22. We have done Bonnells curbside and highly recommend. The food is very good at home and usually enough for two meals. He also joins supports many local schools through the year so you get to feel good about your purchase
  23. You are an anomaly to be commended, very rare for three generations to have that level of independent thinking and free thought, invite me to your family reunion
  24. I did screenshots of each channel. FoxNews had Hannity talking about Biden's agenda imploding. Newsmax had Biden blaming anti vaxxers for something, and peddling snake oil supplements
  25. Just when they started to grow some testicular fortitude, it retreated. Liz Cheney has bigger balls, it is no contest
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