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Frank Erwin

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Everything posted by Frank Erwin

  1. Finally got fried chicken from Drew's. Damn good. Not like any fried chicken chain. Tastes like home cooked fried chicken your grandma made, if she really knows how to fry chicken.
  2. I also recommend Metro Maples. Great resource and it is fun just to look around their lot.
  3. Has anyone tried Azulados? I'm looking for a pair of ranch boots that can take a beating. Something cheap but durable
  4. This is a dangerous sign. A solid/real/rational conservative (Betsy Price) is trounced by a party activist who plays out the CRT tropes and fellates Trump and Cruz. None of his issues are the purvey of the county judge, but he doesn't care. He has no clue how to govern
  5. You forget how tiny his hands are, I'm sure Stormy'a lips were quite a load for him to handle
  6. This scared the hell out of kids in the early 80s. It is impossible to convey to other generations, but we grew up thinking nuclear war was going to happen
  7. 257 Roberts is a great whitetail round. Mine does have a 4x Weaver. I'm old school, but prefer the old weaver or leupold fixed scopes. Trying to find a 6x leupold now for my Browning 06
  8. The GOP ballot propositions have always been a pathetic attempt to curry favor with the crazies and party activists. Surprised there was not a proposal to honor the "patriotic heroes" who went on a field trip to the Capitol on Jan 6.
  9. Don't get the Icahn hate. Sure he is an asshole, but we lionize those guys here. He ha gamed the system, mastered the game, and survived and prospered?
  10. He sure does
  11. Any place is going to be a stretch for a crew of that size. Clear Fork/ Press cafe does have some weekend options like the food trucks that may help. They have ample outdoor space it just depends on what other food sources they have. It probably has something to do with a non compete with press, but I don't get why the don't have a breakfast taco truck down there on the weekends
  12. Another nod to Press Cafe, plenty of outdoor space for kids to run around and good brunch menu.
  13. I think he actually fucked said porn star prior to said wife birthing Barron, but otherwise, yes. Or maybe I have that confused with one of his other whores.
  14. She is shorter than Huffines (sub five ft) is the other dork Harvey Hilderbran (failed former state rep)?
  15. I love that shot and it shows why he should have more accolades. His performance stole the show in a great cast of characters. ps- great retort, YChang!
  16. I love that shot and it shows why he should have more accolades. His performance stole the show in a great cast of characters. ps- great retort, YChang!
  17. Danny Huston, great villain. Also Brian Cox, guess you could say he found fame now. Neither one are matinee idols, but should have had a larger fame
  18. Looking at getting a Henry.22 for my son’s birthday and first gun, any recommendations?
  19. Exactly, my dad always said never sell a gun, just trade it for something you like or will use more. He also ended up selling most of the guns from his and my grandfather’s collections
  20. Amy is an easy champ to root for. She really is a renaissance man/woman/whatever. She likes sports/arts/theater. She comes across as humble and honored to be in the position she is in
  21. Even with his lifts, I think Huffy will be shorter than Abbott on the debate stage
  22. Abbott is smart enough to know better, but he is scared of his base and the true nut jobs like Patrick and Sid Miller. And he can’t help that that tree broke his backbone.
  23. He is Lil Enos Burdette from Smokey and the Bandit
  24. Can’t believe Huffines posed in that cowboy hat.
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