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Frank Erwin

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Everything posted by Frank Erwin

  1. Ventured out west to Weatherford today and Shep’s has great burgers. The Malt Shop was also good.
  2. Why did Sam Peckinpah never cast Angie Dickinson and Claudia Cardinale in a cat fight Dynasty style- rolling around in a water trough, ripping wet busting bodices off each other?
  3. I think Sheridan approaches each script meeting with a beer in one hand and bottle of TX whiskey in the other and then says screw it, I already got paid. Costner should have the gravitas/cojones to right this train wreck
  4. It’s not hard to make a soap opera. Watch Dallas, Dynasty, Flamingo Road. People want to watch rich people fuck and fight. Taylor Sheridan can’t figure that out, he thinks people want to watch ponies dance.
  5. Jamie had potential to be a great villain, family dynamics, scorned son, Wes Bentley. This show has been lacking a great villain since season one-Gil Birmingham and Danny Huston. Blondie from Justified is a great talent, but was wasted. Taylor Sheridan’s dancing ponies showcases his cowboy douchebag factor
  6. Thanks, I’ve been meaning to try them out. Now is my chance
  7. A Texas Icon and Legend. Any kid who was mentioned in DCTF knows what that honor means. He was also our neighbor in Waco so I got to know what an humble and genuine man he was.
  8. Any good recommendations for ordering enchiladas (like a family style platter) to serve with a holiday meal?
  9. At 16, I would go with Tecovas or Justin’s . They are still going to F’ them up. Just like their first car. Wait til they are in college to get a good pair of Lucchese. They will appreciate them more then.
  10. My thoughts as well Fattie! My moral compass is fine with something that died 30 years ago. My only point in posting was trying to figure out how the damned things felt, are they worth buying to wear? My favorite boots for comfort are kangaroo which are impossible to find today
  11. They were not large, size 9D. But if that fits, I can send you pics or contact info
  12. I have 3 pair of elephant already so I have funded an entire village through conservation funds. Puppy would be as soft as clubbed fur seal, so I would not want.
  13. My initial question about sea turtle was because I saw a used pair that was old and pre-ban. Trying to decide whether to purchase
  14. Has anybody worn a pair of sea turtle boots? I know them more for their notoriety but don’t know anyone who has actually worn the regularly. Any insight?
  15. Didn’t Teeter get branded? If so, why are they kicking her out with the barrel racers?
  16. FWIW Stoops is involved in the coaching search. He had an agreement with OU boosters when he left that he would return if Riley became a shitshow. Not what he was expecting, but this is a shit show.
  17. Did ArmyBrat bang ol' Lizzie? Phillip has the stare of a flummoxed cuckold in that pic.
  18. I eat at Kincaid's frequently, it is a great, reliable burger joint. I only tried Rodeo Goat once, it is more of a fancy/gourmet burger joint (I'm talking about ingredients, not atmosphere), but the quality of their burger was really good. I would recommend both but to me they compete in different spaces. Yes, they both serve burgers, but that is like saying Mamas and Zolis both serve pizza.
  19. Great pics of the rattler. I always thought they went back to their old dens to hibernate with their kin over winter. Maybe he got desperate and bedded down with a couple of coachwhips at closing time when the cold spell hit?
  20. Kincaids has great burgers and great atmosphere. I try to get a burger there once or twice a month. Not real fond of their fries (crinkle cut, but their onion rings are good). Have not been next door to Showdown but plan to.
  21. The Waco burger list is solid, probably one of the only redeeming virtues of Waco. Kitoks and Dubl R have great, greasy old school burgers and good fries too. Cupps as well.
  22. My take on MM from what limited commentary of his I have seen regarding politics, he is more a product of his upbringing (a Reagan Democrat if you will) I grew up in the same era and that has formed my values-fiscal conservatism, keep your religion personal, don't wear it on your sleeve or blather about it, be tolerant, don't demonize. Basically the antithesis of DanPatrick and the others who have hijacked the republican party and perverted its soul. I also think MM would benefit most from a crowded primary, where his celebrity factor might be most advantageous.
  23. Agree with the tribute band comment, except that most of the original cast was in the tribute band this time. Overall, not bad, worth the price of admission, but not much beyond that
  24. I hope he can do a decent job managing on site, because typically his food is great and his service sucks, at all levels.
  25. Boise's boost as a tech hub was closely tied to Micron's early backers-but most of those guys were buddies of JR Simplot, who were really just lucky tater farmers. They had this biased view of Boise and Boise St. Imagine an Idaho version of Baylor backers who see Waco as a modern day Athens and Baylor as on par with the Ivy League.
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