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Frank Erwin

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Everything posted by Frank Erwin

  1. Every family member/friend that I have talked to that is a Trump supporter has the same response (which would be expected as a tenet of cult behavior) 1. Storming the Capitol was not a big deal, no different than any of the Antifa and BLM protests we have seen all year. I looked at the news coverage on Jan 7 and understand why they have this point of view, because OAN and Newsmax were not covering the Capitol insurrection, they were doing stories on Libs running business out of San Fran and how Dems were botching the vaccine rollout (I saved screenshots from that day). 2. When I confront that storming the US Capitol absolutely was a big deal, the uniform response is that it was a plot by Antifa and Pelosi. I ask for proof or evidence, and get blank stares. It is pointless to argue with an irrational person, so I simply say they should question where they get their news from and that OAN/NewsMax/Stormfront or whoever they rely on for "real news" is not reliable, and they should realize that after yes, indeed, Biden did get inaugurated despite what they have been told.
  2. We get a set of Chicago Cutlery steak knives every Christmas from a beef packer. They are great quality and hold a good edge. Some are over 10 years old and have been heavily used. We also have a set of rosewood handle Laguiole steak knives that are our fancy knives. Got them as a wedding present and they are beautiful and work great. If Thurston and Lovey ever came for dinner, I would pull out the Laguiole but would also have no shame in using the Chicago Cutlery.
  3. Even though Beto ultimately lost, he came so close, as illustrated above, because he was charismatic running against an unlikeable turd. The more the democratic party can recruit charismatic candidates (I don't know how deep that bench is beyond Beto) to run against unlikeable turds (the TX republican party has a bench that would make Nick Saban hard in that regard) you will find closer races and even outright victories in the future.
  4. The answer to the original post is when this moron primaries Abbott in 2022
  5. He wasn't acting, he was playing Pete Davidson. It is the Pete Davidson Story. With a bunch of sketchy Staten Island trash. He is a world class poonhound, however. That part of his CV is what I am most envious of.
  6. I drive by there several times a month and never see anyone inside or out.
  7. JJ's Oyster Bar and Purple Frog have their crawfish flags out
  8. frank erwin did ok and he was shitfaced about 99% of the time Thanks for the compliment, but when I'm shitfaced, it is outside the glare of the klieg lights.
  9. Mia Melano is a great tease, but shouldn't we focus on Christy Canyon or Kim Kardashian in the Sark thread?
  10. This thread is like Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation or congealed cranberry sauce. It just would not be Christmas without it.
  11. Kelly Loeffler is auditioning to be Trump's next wife. She is tall, athletic, arguably hot, and determined to symbolically lick his nether regions in public. Most of the GOP check the last box but don't qualify on the first three criteria.
  12. I watched Kane again a couple of weeks ago. Orson Welles, Citizen Kane, and Hearst are some of my favorite subjects/characters. So I may have too high expectations for Mank, but will definitely watch. The use of "Rosebud" considering it's cootchie origins with Hearst is one of the greatest jabs in cinematic history.
  13. Sarah's Place has a big sign out front advertising it is open for business, seems like that would attract a lot of TABC attention for an establishment with dubious culinary options
  14. I laugh every time I drive by Trader Joe's on Hulen in Ft Worth because there is always a line, like its the friggin Roxbury. Central Market up the street has a ton more traffic but never a line outside. It does piss me off when I want to grab a few things at Trader Joe's (their Trader Giotti frozen pizzas are good and cheap) but don't feel like standing in line.
  15. My grandfather was on the 1918 Texas football team. Coach Akers found out about this and invited him to come to a practice in the early 80s. Akers spent damn near the entire day showing him around the stadium, visiting in his office, introducing him to the team, and basically treating my grandad like longhorn royalty. My grandfather died a short time later, but our family still remembers how generous Coach Akers was. Hook Em, Coach, you will always have our respect and admiration.
  16. For Chicken Fried Steak, the Purple Frog on Bluebonnet Circle has a damned good one too. Plus, the french fries at both Luciles and Purple Frog are great. Went back to Lucile's for a Sunday afternoon cocktail and the scenery does not disappoint (I don't mean T&A but bona fide characters.-old farts with wife #4 and a battalion of dead soldiers lining the bar)
  17. Lunch at Lucile's today. Loved the atmosphere, couple of little old ladies slugging down martinis and one loner having a liquid lunch at the bar. Given the price of the chicken fried steak, couple of cocktails might have been a better option. Chicken Fried Steak was damned good, though.
  18. Brisket Elote from Panther City BBQ today. It was great, my only suggestion would be to add a side of diced jalapenos to spice it up. Ribs were good too.
  19. I have a brother in law involved in one of these, ahem, "investments" He praises the virtues of passive real estate ownership and exhibits cult-like behaviors. Of course he was a Corps Turd at aggy so that is just par for the course. Beware of any investment that spends significantly on marketing and "education workshops" You don't become a successful real estate investor by taking a $1495 weekend seminar at the Ramada Inn.
  20. That sounds like a lot of effort for a corn dog but I may give Mitch's recipe a try this weekend. For frozen corn dogs, the air fryer does a great job of cooking, best alternative to a deep fryer.
  21. Despite their douchy/greasy demeanor, those boys have perfected the ability to stare into the camera with their eyes, something Paxton clearly covets.
  22. Agree it is well done but hard to watch for anyone, especially parents. The last 10 minutes are hard to get through.
  23. 4 episodes into Ratched and the sets and costumes are great. Also enjoy blatant nods to Hitchcock, Wizard of Oz, Cape Fear, etc that Ryan Murphy is throwing in. Just hoping the wheels don't fall off like a typical AHS or aggy football season.
  24. 5dimes is the only online sportsbook I have experience with, and overall no complaints with them. Any other recommendations for alternate sites?
  25. This season needs better villains. First season was great with Danny Huston and Gil Birmingham really fleshing out their characters. Last season and this one the bad guys had potential, but never really developed into meaningful characters or villains that you love to hate. Birmingham is not really a bad guy any more, but anytime he is on the screen is great. Love watching him flex the turquoise rings every time for emphasis.
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