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Frank Erwin

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Everything posted by Frank Erwin

  1. Well yeah, Hoss and Hop Sing could never escape each other's clutches
  2. I thought an early trailer said the Yellowstone was as big as Rhode Island, which would be around 750,000 acres (Big Swinging Dick ranch talk--all big ranches, real or fictional, like to say they are bigger than a state.) A lot of people wouldn't know the difference between 5000 acres and 1200 sections, and any rancher worth his birthright is never going to go around telling people the size of his ranch. From a ranching perspective, that is akin to bragging about your bank account balance.
  3. Watched Shackelton's Captain last week, a documentary about the doomed Antarctic expedition. My wife and mother in law aren't exactly fans of historical documentaries, and we all loved it. The original photography and video from the mission made it really impressive. Also one hell of a story.
  4. Swayze sets very high standards for Snek photography. Not trying to discourage anyone else from sending in Snek photos, keep them coming. We just all pale in comparison to him. Seriously, you should put together some kind of book with all your photos.
  5. My mother in law has been on the phone bitching to AT&T for two weeks since finding out she doesn't get Paramount with her new plan and cant watch her favorite story.
  6. Watched Good Time,. Like Celery Man said, very similar to Uncut Gems in style and pace. Yes, you feel worn out after watching these movies. They do a great job at capturing bleak and gritty in an intense crime drama.
  7. Nobody ever accused the Duke of good judgement in non-sartorial matters
  8. Yeah but ol' Wallis had that trick with ice cubes and gonad-garglin that had the Duke of Windsor so smitten.
  9. Would love to see Danny McBride playing Joe Exotic! Somebody call his agent.
  10. Finished the series and it was very entertaining. His singing/music videos are a lot better than most of the bro-country crap these days and added great comic relief. Still don't understand all those Okie methheads wearing so many longhorn caps. I would like to see a documentary on the making of this series, that would be entertaining as well.
  11. Also watching "Tiger King"...faces of meth + siegfrid and roy + crazy cat lady + the other half of Fair Park on TX-OU weekend. Entertaining.
  12. To the champagne snobs- Do you like Billecart Salmon? It seems to be a popular recommendation from lots of sommeliers.
  13. Louisiana tailmeat is usually more expensive. Look on the back of the label for the country of origin. Don't be misled by the name. Some may say Boudreaux's, or some other cajun name, but they come from China.
  14. Crawfish must be from Louisiana, not China, just like in the OP's recipe. If you use Chinese crawfish, they need to be rinsed repeatedly, which will remove all of the crawfish fat. The crawfish fat is an important part of a good etouffee recipe. I love etouffee because it really is simple, quick, and so damned good.
  15. Three Road to the Alamo is a great book to get the AnteAlamo background story for Travis, Bowie, and Crockett. This time of year always makes me go back and re-read some book on Texas History. Texas is a land made great by her people and their exploits, and yes, the Battle of the Alamo does exemplify the character of Texas and Texans. On March 6, my boys will again hear the chilling sound of "El Deguello" as we recount the Fall of the Alamo, with Onderdonk's print behind us.
  16. If Cruiser is in charge of investing UT Endowment funds, we have a lot bigger crisis on our hands than $40 oil prices!
  17. Honor Thy Father by Gay Talese. Specifically about the Bonanno family, but a great read about the Five Families and the origins of Cosa Nostra. After reading other mob books which all mention how ruthless and bloody Joe Bonanno was, I realized what a hagiography this book was (Bill Bonanno collaborated on it). Still, a good book.
  18. Baylor guys hated Rhule when he was hired because they never heard of him. Once they found out he was a decent coach they loved him and thought he would never leave. They also love Phillip Montgomery since he is part of the Art coaching tree, which they hold sacred.
  19. I too was ok with the CGI except for the grocery store fight scene. Maybe because we have seen De Niro onscreen in so many fight scenes. This was not Raging Bull De Niro or Cape Fear De Niro. This was an 80 year old fart trying to make sure he doesn't fall over while stomping on a guy's hand.
  20. I know a guy who shat all over himself on a flight from Austin to La Guardia. The stewardess wouldn't let him run to the bathroom when boarding. Upon departure, she and the rest of the first class cabin were not amused. He threw his clothes away and strode through the airport in his bathrobe.
  21. I make Alton Brown's recipe every year and saved a mason jar from last year that I will break open soon. Agree homeade kicks store-bought's butt. Whatever variety you use, freshly grated nutmeg makes a huge difference. Grating those damned nuts is hell on your hands, but well worth it.
  22. Why can't AMC and TCM do a better job at Halloween? They used to have a great lineup of classic horror movies, old Hammer films, etc. Now it's a bunch of crap. And Netflix should do a lot better too. Why not have several different horror categories (Classic/Zombie/Supernatural/Occult/Snuff/) when you login around this time of year? Or some network should pay Elvira to host a movie marathon in October.
  23. Yes and no...sold on Stubhub for $770 each, so net will be considerably less.
  24. Tickets no longer available. Hook Em!
  25. 2 Tickets. Section 3 Row 50. $750 per ticket.
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