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Frank Erwin

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Everything posted by Frank Erwin

  1. I have 2 in section 3 row 50. Send me a PM if your still interested
  2. This episode delivered: Native American wife nudity (with the butt you would expect of her) Appearances by Rainwater, Jenkins, and the Bozo Brothers. Rip lets it Rip. No "horse reigning" sequences with cowboys from North Texas. Still need gratuitous nudity from the AG and Governor.
  3. Best fishing trip was my Dad rigged up a cane pole when I was 6 and took me to the creek next to our house and I caught bluegill non stop. Almost every time the line hit the water. Filled a bucket up and took home to fry. Since then I've caught 40 lb yellow cat on trotlines, roosterfish in Costa Rica, flyfished throughout the West, up and down the Texas Gulf. Still, my best time fishing is always that first time my Dad thought enough to take me out where he knew I would get plenty of action. My Dad is now a world class prick and bitter old fart, but I still have that fishing trip. Take your kids fishing, start them early, on something easy, so they can catch fish and have fun. who knows, it may be their best trip ever.
  4. Surviving the Game was awesome...Ice T, Rutger Hauer, Gary Busey. Sure, it's an oft retold version of "The Most Dangerous Game", but those actors made it great.
  5. Waco has a reader's choice poll of their fine dining options in their society magazine (yes, Waco has one). the winner for best seafood restaurant, year in and year out, is...Red Lobster. Which is actually more a poor reflection on the citizenry of waco, and their lack of taste than on the dearth of dining destinations in Waco.
  6. In the last two pages we have been introduced to The Chin, Dr. Dong, and Dahner Wang. And apparently Wang and Dong have dirt on that dandy pol from the Iodine State. This has the making of a great pulp novel.
  7. I think Kenan Thompson is funny as hell, I just think playing Bond is a stretch for him.
  8. Agree. Most HEB and Central Market branded items are of decent quality, but I always break those zippers on the storage bags.
  9. A group of Baylor alums is actually planning to charter a bus to Mount Vernon to partake in one of Art's first home games--I shit you not!
  10. When even Fox News refers to his tweets as a "bizarre tirade", you know he's really gone off his meds.
  11. According to the interviews with victims and former prosecutors in both New York and Florida, Epstein was lining up 2-4 "massages" per day, on a daily basis. This has been documented back to 2000, so almost 20 years. That's just the time period he was under investigation. It's not like he just woke up at 47 and decided to be a pederast. The potential number of victims is staggering. He's like the Wilt Chamberlain of child rapists.
  12. As if we need further proof that Wallace Hall was a dick. How did such a worthless douche get to be a regent? Aggy Manchurian candidate appointed by Rick Perry.
  13. They didn't show that the developer lived last season, left us (and him) hanging. Glad he didn't die, Danny Huston plays a great villain.
  14. There should be a nudity required clause in Kelly Rohrbach's contract.
  15. The White House should just sign an endorsement deal with Fox News. The White House daily press briefing, sponsored by Fox News. They could place a monitor in the press room with a continuous feed from Fox News.
  16. I have friends that grew up with Bonnen. They describe him as very conservative. He strikes me as a real conservative--not the grandstanding,showboating demagoguery that we get with Danny Goeb and to a lesser extent, Wheels. Bonnen also has a backbone, is brash, and doesn't back down from a fight. He might be exactly what we need to stand up to these faux conservative rabble-rousers like Empower Texas and Jonathan Stickland. Maybe if other traditional conservatives see somebody in power standing up to these poseurs, they will get some testicular fortitude as well.
  17. Shove a couple of lemons(sliced in half) in the cavity while you are roasting, then about 5-10 minutes before serving, mash the lemons all over the skin. Gives a great flavor to the bird.
  18. If you want a house instead of resort, there are some new construction one bedroom condos on Sapodilla Bay and Chalk Sound. They each have a private plunge pool and are perfect for a couple looking for privacy.
  19. Is that dude to the right of the tree trying to pose for JFK's white house portrait?
  20. Helberg's catered an event for us recently in Waco. I was excited to try it after the Texas Monthly article. The dinner was scheduled for 7pm and they had already run out of food at 6:45. It took them an hour to get more food brought in, and they doled out 1 slice of brisket and one slice of sausage per plate--guess they were scared of running out again. Brisket was good, sausage was bad. Beans had no seasoning. They had a cold corn salad that was good. How do you run out of food for a catering gig when you know the head count in advance? This was for 125-150 people, not a large catering job. I will try their food truck to see if it is any better. If their catered Q that I ate is what it takes to get in Texas Monthly as one of the best new BBQ joints, then I belong on the damned cover.
  21. I fly the San Jacinto Flag on April 21. My copy is very thin, almost like silk. It's OK to fly outside one day a year, but if anybody knows of a thicker version, please let me know. We also fly the Alamo flag during the siege, and the Gonzales flag on October 2. The neighbors always think we are flying the Mexican flag in late Feb-early March.
  22. I also fly the Texas flag from the legislature. You can get it in either cotton or polyester. We have the cotton version and it is good quality and a good value. Maybe you can request one that was flown on a day when Dan Patrick was out of state.
  23. It is pathetic that a state as large as Texas, with our storied past, is represented by our current crop of state leaders. We have affirmed that our capitol was built for giants, but is inhabited by pygmies.
  24. When is Liberty University going to send their crackpot paleontology team in to debunk this scientific gibberish?
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