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About swTXSU

  • Birthday 12/14/1964

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  1. She was originally from Texarkana, lived the last nine years at Lakeway.
  2. Here you go.
  3. I enjoyed it. It took a lot of time to get everyone in the movie. Thor and his "rabbit" were pretty funny together.
  4. Guilty on all three counts....possible 30 year prison sentence......better put him on suicide watch.
  5. Yes
  6. I keep a copy on the bookshelf in my office. When people ask what it was like growing up in Longview, I let them watch it. The inevitably tell me they have never laughed as much as they have watching this documentary.
  7. Would be pretty cool if you could I guess, I can tell you the cemetery where she is at.
  8. I'm pretty flexible, make an offer.
  9. Damn, I miss that place.🙁
  10. http://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/1512-elvis-hbo-documentary/
  11. From what I could tell he only had three or four shots loaded.
  12. Looks like an ass raping is coming............ whose ass will it be?
  13. Yes, I was hoping there would be more live recorded footage. I’m guessing they couldn’t get approval or didn’t want to pay for the use of it. Not performing in front of a live audience while he was “movie star Elvis” was just fucked up. He never really caught up to mainstream music after that since he could sell his own brand of gospel, country, and soul to his faithful fans. I had aunts and cousins that would go to Vegas to see him and buy his merch at least a couple of times a year. I was barely in junior high when he passed The sad fat Elvis is the only one I remember His version of the Battle Hym of the Republic was a great performance though
  14. Doesn’t this new place have rules? C’mon man!
  15. Anybody catch this? Not too favorable on his manager later in his career. Hard to believe as famous and wealthy as he was he couldn’t really do what he wanted to do and travel the world. Hearing Tom Petty narrate some parts was also kind of surreal.
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