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Everything posted by riloh05

  1. oh boy...here we go. my .02, guy killed a man because he got punked for being a punk. thats murder/manslaughter/whatever, not stand your ground.
  2. That makes sense...and maybe i am just too basic. i am really trying to make sense of this and i am not a trumpster. did this happen before 11/16 or after 1/17? how would trump have any stroke to pull anything off? i thought or was told by many others that trump doesnt know how any of this works...so i do not get/understand his involvement if he was indeed isolated. are thesenot fair questions for someone who doesnt follow this shit daily?
  3. did hrc collude against bernie? pretty sure that happened. why is this not being investigated. i will hang up and listen.
  4. All they did was talk about golf and grand kids. Don’t know what the big deal is.
  5. thanks for engaging here for a discussion... regarding #3 and the last sentence- how do you know what "trump" did? and how do you know we rolled over for a belly rub? what specifically points to that? i am just looking for some actual substance and I cant find any. thanks for helping me fill in the blanks.
  6. i guess i am looking for some sort of smoking gun with all the barking at clouds. i just dont understand the difference, and you dont seem capable of articulating that.
  7. what was different about this than obama and medvedev? i am not but obam'ing, i just do not get the uproar from what i heard. lastly, trump cant give away any intel...dude spoke to putin in 140 characters. no much to give away with that type of bandwidth.
  8. that seems like a really stupid thing to tweet.
  9. hold up...it is your belief that hilary had a great resume? her lack of resume is a good reason she is not potus.
  10. riloh05


    asking for a friend...we are the wardrobe malfunctions/hook up clips?
  11. Still barking at clouds...I don’t have kids and will be retired in the Caribbean. Looks like this joke is on you. Or you need a better plan.
  12. Barking at clouds...neato.
  13. i agree with this. the point being is how stupid the r's looked chasing down the rabbit hole (sean hannity). if you step back its basically how the left looks chasing trump shit down a trump hole. its not the same, not remotely- but quite hilarious if you can pull yourself out of the bubble and stare at each side.
  14. that whole hrc/sid blumenthal messes that up. its all bullshit, but it started somewhere.
  15. pretty sure everyone who vote r/d voted for a birther. thanks sid blumenthal. no?
  16. not verbatim...but more of to his traitor comment. remember how crazy those claims were? seems like the left does a lot of that lately. crazy world we live in.
  17. it wont. fortunately for me i am younger than you (i believe) and have had the opportunity to scratch checks for both sides. i understand the game that is being played and i wont write off anyone that i come in contact with that has a differing point of view. life is easier that way and i hope you can find happiness in the current world we live in. sorry to get on your lawn.
  18. i think the bankruptcy is that you think someone in dc is remotely honest. i voted for trump. he is an ass. he is a liar. he is a pos. he is twitter dumb. he is dumb. now what? if he ran again depending on the opponent, he might receive my vote again.
  19. why is that? why have you become so unhinged? you are a seasoned poster with valuable experience to share to folks just like myself who maybe your junior...you are acting no different than a birther. has that ever crossed your mind? calling folks a traitor who support trump is at best barking at clouds. like i said earlier, i hope your better than that. you are damn sure more articulate than just labeling trump supporters as traitors.
  20. disagreeing with some of what the left is doing is not "supporting trump" it is disagreeing. disagreeing with you is not "supporting trump" being called out for you calling folks traitors who disagree with you is not "supporting trump" this shit isnt happening in a vacum.
  21. wow. you are better than that. or maybe your not, but i am hoping that you are.
  22. It’s all bullshit. If you are not in DC getting your pockets fatter then the joke is on you.
  23. Is this the same brisket that was on the other board? or did some loon hijack his handle and is using it here?
  24. print media is a dying industry.
  25. make sure to enjoy the fruits of your labor...the thrill of the chase is a very real thing. i might chose something to do outside of the daily grind to remind me why i am grinding.
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