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Everything posted by riloh05

  1. perspective may help... we are the largest provider (# of clients) in 2 of our 4 products. Example- last month we on-boarded (went live) 1800+ new logos.
  2. Yes. We have some in channels, different product sets, etc...
  3. so my comment was correct? 11/8/16 is a good starting point, being that markets are reactionary. go on and revise the numbers.
  4. my counter arguement is that from oct 15 - oct 17 under obama it was pretty stagnent... yes or no? the growth under trump had a very good run... yes or no? i didnt create the stock market talking point. but since its out there the run under trump in one year is better than obamas last year... yes or no?
  5. welp... not a trumpkin, far from it. i think he is a pos, but thats my choice. the stock market seems to be used as a talking point when going well for your team. when improving for the other team its other factors that are driving the success of the market(which is true). when its going bad for your team you can place blame elsewhere (which is accurate). but since this was used/asked as a talking point, i pointed it out. some who side with different teams like yourself dont like this being thrown back in your face...now the goal post moves.
  6. i didnt go to Texas. however, the business school i went to is decently rated from time to time. riddle me this...i stated that WS had a good run under trump, yes or no? which is a very head-out-the-sand ostrich level awareness. he didnt make me as much has trump has already and i also followed solyndra and other obama backed companies. now i see why not everyone is selected to attend the business school i went to. good on you for showing your ass.
  7. explain oct 15 oct 17. we have different opinions on what status quo. that looks like a run of avg sorts to me. since election the run has been different. if you had money in the market you are now better off and yielded on avg better results than obamas oct 2015- oct 2017, but thats none of my business. i dont hate people who make me money. trump is an assclown, but that sorry m'effer made me some jack...obama didnt make me that much and I was more aggressive during his term. so there is that.
  8. the question was asked what good has come of the presidency. the run from wall street is one of them. i enjoyed it. all good runs come to an end, i am on the sidelines currently. so did the good run happen or not?
  9. business are reacting different since trump won...my personal take is that it is a buyers market if you are a seller in fortune target market.
  10. been a while since chiming in...still in the vp role. still growing. i have a solid team of 26 reps, only a handful are under a year and some humans cant get out of their own way. rinse/repeat. getting the squad to fight through these summer blues so that we finish 2018 strong. go get em.
  11. one of those asshole cops walked in on his dotter sucking kids dick that was bigger than copdad and here we are.
  12. peri-peri factory off westhiemer near voss is a great lunch spot. Not Nando's, but close enough. avoid garlic sause, but the hot is good stuff.
  13. we only dogpile in omaha. -Huston Street difference in program expectations couldnt be further apart. f*ck you aggy.
  14. hidalgo gets going later than 8pm most nights.
  15. playa norte is the only place to hang. enjoy.
  16. just got back. had a house on rum point. it was bad ass. great relaxing vacation. caught plenty of fish.
  17. speak to what i know... my pops receives a 50k'ish yearly salary to the day he crosses that bridge. he chose that instead of taking a lump sum. combine that 50k salary with pretty much any professional job or private school job and you are at the 80-120k mark pretty easily.
  18. there hasn't been one post in this thread stating that they are overpaid if i recall correctly. also, a 20 year teacher can take TRS, go teach at a private school or go public sector and make 80-120k pretty easily.
  19. no. i was a coach and i had freshman b at 6am practice, drove the varsity bus and would pull into the school 10pm or later, get the kids pick up by parents or drop them off, in my bed at 11-midnight. rinse and repeat. its also naive to think some jobs are only 40 hours.
  20. but what is that value...that is what I want to find out, and pardon my asshole'ness. at what number does she begin to be valued in her eyes? i think there are more factors in play besides pay as to why a bad ass teacher would look at doing something else- the pay is the gravy. the unrealistic solution is to have an idiot tax for idiot parents with turds as kids. every time they fuck up, $1500 fine. $750 to school and $750 to the teacher.
  21. one or 2? not saying she doesnt, i know i used mine to grade, run scantrons, prep, etc... also, not a lot of jobs out there where you can shut your door for 40-60 mins twice a day (lunch, off-period).
  22. posted above- have no idea. never been a firefighter, just a teacher. i do know that firefighters are called out for all sorts of things including car wrecks, 911 calls/emergencies, etc... i guess just like a teacher isnt teaching all day everyday.
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