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Certifiably Surly
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About SimonBolivar

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  1. Unless things have drastically changed then 13/13 is easy money right?
  2. If you're hiring a Uber/lyft/DiDi/taxi for travel at night they will almost assuredly drive with the windows down so it might be nice to have one.
  3. What's the guestimate on a release date for that? 2026? Later?
  4. Damn the Roots are playing at the Blue Note in Manhattan in March. We might just have to make that one.
  5. Good spot. If you don't have all of your meals planned then a quick walk to El Cardenal for breakfast is highly recommended.
  6. Well it's hard to ask a 78-year-old to sit out in freezing weather for that long.
  7. Where at in the city center? We love the Gran Hotel Ciudad de Mexico.
  8. Shit I forgot about Montreal on 8/23. My wife is currently a teacher looking to leave the profession. If she does leave that would be absolutely perfect.
  9. Trying to get more enthusiasm for the wife for keeping the new away venue streak going. So far we've hit one a year with 2022: Houston 2023: Kansas City (bro trip, wife didn't attend) 2024: Dallas Options are 6/7 in Colorado, 6/28 in Seattle, or 7/26 in DC. We were married at Olympic National Park, so Seattle has some sentimental value. She wants to hit DC, but damn Colorado is just so easy and nice in June.
  10. I had to read a solid book on that during grad school. Naming the Antichrist: The History of an American Obsession | Oxford Academic
  11. "Oh no home is burning, well might as well try out this pie shop and see if it's better than the other 23 I've had this week to help me wash out the pain."
  12. I'm in long on SCHD with reinvestment on but more of a "never sell" position for the distant future. The bulk non-401k is in VTI/VOO which is the better longterm play than SCHD/dividend chasing but having a dividend position is something I enjoy personally even if it isn't technically the absolute best ROI.
  13. Can't say it's been a boring offseason. I'm looking forward to February 22nd.
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