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Certifiably Surly
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About SimonBolivar

  • Birthday 03/25/2018

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  1. Frustrating game for sure when there was a point right there for the taking.
  2. I thought that English was our national language now.
  3. Molotov-Ribbentrop was the same. Stalin, the (not very good) military supply micromanager, estimated they needed to get to 1943 before the war started to be able to defeat the Germans.
  4. I wish betted would be the new potatoe
  5. I can't believe it's been 50 years since Great American Revolution appeared at Magic Mountain. Coincidence it was replaced with The New Revolution in 2016? I think not!
  6. Well TASS loves free speech.
  7. I missed this one, sorry if already posted.
  8. So much respect! France: Germany: Spain: Australia: Only one cheering is...Russia
  9. He's a white middle-aged dude from St. Tammany Parish.
  10. When driving I-35 last weekend, I saw where he's going to be "performing" at the venue formerly known as the Bell County Expo Center on March 27th. The palace of high American culture.
  11. It's effectively the same thing when looking at outcomes
  12. Zelensky's hand-wringing and look of despair is probably America's most shameful moment of my life. A nation of 33 million people wanting to be more Western oriented in their lives, being abandoned because of one man's greed and image issues. Those of you that call Trump a Russian asset are still assuming that Trump is a normal human that could feel shame from blackmail. No, this is a man that sees opportunity to make money from Russia and Putin says nice things to him. That's it, he's a simpleton that sees profit and >30million people are just a barrier to that.
  13. I'm going to start using colour and aeroplane.
  14. "Here bum, take the rest of this pussy"
  15. So like 95% of rooms in New Mexico?
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