I love Mexico, but being in Mexico is like being in a novel in both good and bad ways outside of cartels. You can feel the energy in the air the moment you step foot in the country no matter which state you're in and that's generally a shock to the white American that grew up eating meat and potatoes, going to the local FBC, paid his HoA fees on time, and cheered on Reagan's dismantling of the Soviet Union only to abandon American exceptionalism in the Trump Era. It takes a few months to understand the real differences and to acclimatize to Latin America.
First thing to learn is that you don't complain about the rooster being loud at unholy hours. It's been his home longer than it's been yours and nobody gives a shit about your gringo ass sleep schedule.
Although I guess if one lives in an expat enclave then they may be able to spend their way out of living in Mexico and instead end up living in some sort of halfway state that is in neither country.