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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. Confirmed on the ground in the Cypress/Tomball area according to the NWS.
  2. One of the first lessons on Creole was saying "spicy cheese" which is fwomaj pike, fun language with so many influences (I guess that goes for most languages these days) and another reason to learn the language is that it skips the hardest parts of grammar. I'm not sure what you language teachers would do without having the ability to drill verb conjugations constantly.
  3. I just started Haitian Creole on Duolingo mainly to annoy Parisians on my next trip, but also because I like being that weird white dude that can smugly speak (mumble incorrectly) a language they have no business knowing.
  4. I already have a 10 Billion Note on my desk at work from Zimbabwe's fun times. It's amazing the number of people that don't understand that foreign currencies aren't 1 to 1 with the USD. RIP ZWD
  5. Canada and Mexico are dealing with that right now. Hell we all are
  6. Like that's ever stopped us. Jimmy Carter aint walking through that door
  7. One hell of a way pretending they weren't invading to expand slavery in the United States.
  8. I mean it fits with our history of hegemonic terror in the Americas pre, during, and post the prime Monroe doctrine enforcement era with maybe a bit of coolness in the Good Neighbor Era depending on how cynical you are.
  9. Ohh maybe we can get MAGA to read up on the Filibusters from the 19th century and see what happens when 20 gravy seals land in San Pedro Sula.
  10. The "until 2029" was the best part.
  11. This is the first year EUIV hasn't been my top game in probably a decade. I need to reevaluate why my life has become less colonial this year (He says as NMS and HoIV are in his top 5).
  12. What did your Steam year look like? Mine was weird. https://store.steampowered.com/replay
  13. How much of an impact on the lower life expectancy can something that causes 1% of total deaths really have? Even when accounting for those dying in auto accidents are much younger than those that typically die.
  14. See people shit on bowl games, but we found out in this game that you can pretend shooting arrows at QBs over and over again and it isn't a penalty. I guess it's kinder and gentler than slashing a throat or shooting a gun.
  15. They only want that hot action like Dave from Dave the Diver.
  16. Big "Hey what's the best black ambassadorship for Herschal?" vibes.
  17. Well yeah, the government dropped the charges against Epstein on, or somewhere around, August 10, 2019. He was obviously cleared of any wrongdoing if they did that!
  18. "And that whiny ass Paul fellow and his letters. Never would've happened under David!"
  19. I want to stop watching, but it'll also be a random Tuesday in February with no college football soon enough.
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