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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. The start of the NYT OpEd Board piece on endorsing Harris pretty much sums it all up:
  2. Yeah, they are annoying about Biden/Harris more often than they should be (and NYT pitchbot is hilarious) but the overwhelming majority of coverage is anti-Trump and calling him out for his bullshit. Maybe I'm old school, but the newspaper of record should be questioning things like Biden's mental faculties after the first debate. Hell, we're his biggest fans on here and we were questioning it.
  3. Come on now. I'm a daily Times reader and while they are incredibly frustrating in trying to "well, both sides" arguments from time to time, there was no doubt they were going to endorse Harris over Trump.
  4. I stumbled upon Taqueria Charly #2 after a concert a few weeks back by accident and the trompo was fantastic.
  5. So, I posted this in the general video game thread, but it really needs its own thread as its really taking the games journalism world by storm (not sure sales are matching yet). UFO 50 is a game that came out last week after being in development since 2017 where they are pretending to be a compilation of 50 games from a fictious video game system that came out in the 8-bit era. This isn't your typical 50 game pack with 50 crappy games, but rather 50 high quality NES style games. Now not every single one of them is Zelda or Super Mario perfection, but every one of them is interesting to some degree and there are a few absolute stars. They are listed chronological starting in 1984 going to 1989 with there being a lore that follows many of the games and a special idle game that sits near the end that relies somewhat on what you do in the other games. It plays great on the Steam Deck, but I'm now remembering just how brutally hard games from that era were compared to today. It's only on PC right now, but will be ported to consoles at some point in the future. It's only $25 out there on Steam (I got it for $22 on there yesterday) so the $$$ to fun ratio is crazy good. This one is going to be super popular in the GoTY discussions with places like Jeff Gertsmann, Nextlander, Giantbomb. Here's Jeff Gerstmann sampling a few:
  6. SimonBolivar


    Heading over to the flea at Uncommon Objects on Sunday and really wanting a good sit-down spot for some burger and beer, but without a wait. Any suggestions? I don't really care what part of town.
  7. Correct. I don't think I have anything more than average intelligence, but education (both formal and informal) makes a big difference.
  8. Well, it's because Trump obviously won the debate with his quick wit and dedication to the facts.
  9. Is there regionality to the pension statistics? I work with a ton of seniors in Texas and there are very few pensions that I see outside of TRS or other government related programs. I would assume union shops in other states would have a higher %.
  10. The same way that some old people have smoked for 75 years and have no ill effects from doing so while others die at 50 from smoking. It's just a numbers game that we as a society have lost.
  11. SimonBolivar


    Hometown Hero gummies. The company is based in Austin but it ships from Oklahoma. THCA, it's been a minute but I usually see what is best from /r/cultofthefranklin at the time. I'm a mega lightweight so the 5mg THC (D9) 5mg CBD is perfect for me https://hometownhero.com/p/delta-9-live-rosin-cbd-5mg-blood-orange-super-silver-haze/
  12. They've (I assume it's the party itself) had stalls at the Uncommon Objects Flea Market that's on the last Sunday of the month in the past. I would hope they'll have one on the 29th.
  13. Yeah and they're for free trade too, until Orange God screams tariffs and credit card interest rate maximums.
  14. I was wondering why DJT hadn't thought of that. PA is medical only, but WI, NC, and GA all are draconian. Seems like a good play for him, imo.
  15. Georgia is also considered a much better school than Bama, for whatever that matters.
  16. He strikes me as a leatherbound notebook with the manual and registration in it kind of guy.
  17. When I was a library delivery worker at BU there was this giant painting about the Crash at Crush that was in the basement of Carroll Library (Texas Collection) It always brightened my day to stop and look at it for a minute or two.
  18. You must've missed the part where Scotland and Llanybydder don't count.
  19. No, you pretty much fit right on in the puzzle of MAGA.
  20. Yeah, but how would El Chupacabra know anything about them saying that? He doesn't watch the news!
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