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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. That's the pic that Chuck thought would be good for his twitter?
  2. I don't think I'd take a contract from the Oilers
  3. Generator isn't necessary when you just buy the materials for a sex tent next to the fireplace. Low temperature tent low temperature sleeping bags firewood lube human body heat Bring on the shitfest
  4. 2 minutes ago 2 minutes ago Jonah BromwichReporting from inside the courtroom Engoron says that he knows everyone is anxious to get a decision. He says he will do his best to issue a final decision in the case by Jan. 31. He says it’s not a promise or a guarantee, but he’s reasonably confident he’ll be able to meet that deadline.
  5. $728 in 7 separate theft events? They can't even steal appropriately.
  6. Lucky SOB, I had a fun 1.5 hour root canal retreatment on Tuesday but the endodontist was a fucking pro. After insurance it was $900.
  7. Signed Micah Burton too and it should be fun to watch him grow.
  8. Am I the only one that can't stand MEX? Terminal 1 is usually way too crowded and gate changes there are awful. If you're flying to Austin they'll put you way over in gates 29-36 where they have someone standing there and making sure traffic is only going one way to get to those gates as there isn enough space. So if a plane just arrived you're going to stand there while they let a whole plane full of people go by you. Also they don't have any services out there so you have to walk all the way back (and wait at the one way two more times) if you need a water or anything else at all.
  9. Don't call it a comeback but Wednesday have won 3 out of 5 and are getting close to being out of the danger zone. We might get some sweet sweet Steel City Derby action next year if they keep it up.
  10. Costa Rica ain't what they used to be. This group looks like Gregg special before getting bounced by a clearly better team as we roll out shit tactics in the KO round.
  11. See they're pussies. Who the hell wouldn't want fish kids? You could quit your boring ass job and travel the carnival circuit and really L.I.V.E., but no they'd rather little Khayden to be a fascist woman hater with boring lungs instead.
  12. It's a bitch ass move, but what can you do?
  13. Are there more Memphis or Iowa State fans in the Liberty Bowl today?
  14. I liked the way it weaved NYC in with the story, but I wasn't feeling it for some reason. I think the infection and two minds part played a bit long for me personally, but I can see people loving it. Also I hadn't read much of his early stuff when I was reading it so I decided to stop the series and catch-up before too many reoccurring characters showed up.
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