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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. KWTXtra Hard to tell if it's on the ground. It's starting to form a bit of a line though which is usually good for dissipating tornadoes somewhat.
  2. KWTX's feed in Waco right now is impressive with a bouncing funnel cloud out in Hamilton County. Also, wife is a Waco ISD teacher and they're releasing kids early at 2:45 which should be right in time for Waco to get hit by this storm. I'm not sure why they don't delay release instead, but whatever.
  3. Crazy, no storm formed at all then tornado on the ground out by Hamilton all in 20 minutes.
  4. WDW is never leaving Florida. The messaging that Bob is pushing right now is that they plan on spending billions on upgrades to the complex in the next so many years and it would be a shame if they didn't type thing.
  5. My dad listened to Rush back in the 80s. It was funny at times in the late 80s. By the early 90s it had turned dark and Rush drug (wink) my dad with him down a dark, cynical and racist road. It was frustrating to watch. By High School my forbid my father and I from talking politics after my dad threw a Limbaugh at me in anger. He missed but broke some shit. Was your dad Andre the Giant?
  6. I'm about to stop listening to Isbell. He's a great musician, but I'm tired of hearing one his songs and then going and hugging my wife for 10 minutes as I think about one of us dying for the next two hours.
  7. I love that link text. They should use it every time a celebrity dies. Also, as someone who knew basically nothing about Jerry Springer, this surprised me:
  8. Winds got me too. Had a 2 year old plum tree that was bent over this morning and a blackberry was ripped from the ground. We will rebuild.
  9. SimonBolivar


    Delta9 is the usual weed high and the best choice. In fact, my choice right now.
  10. Did you get any good stuff today? My parents in Elk got some wicked hail.
  11. Yup, but getting some good rain now.l with no hail or nadoes.
  12. Not even a drop here and 2 miles north the MIL was in her closet for a tornado warning and golfball sized hail. Weather is nuts.
  13. You don't see white on the radar very often I'm guessing that's crazy hard rain with a ton of hail
  14. That looks like it'll be tonight
  15. Good lord, I was just looking around at pics of random Mexican places in San Antonio yesterday and came across this glorious invention. i Unless my eyes deceive me that looks like a Chile Relleno Taco. I may be needed a special trip down to SA just to stop there (Taco Martinez on W Commerce).
  16. They have some pretty good offerings that I'll have playing in the background every so often 2 Star Trek channels Andy Griffith Show Addams Family Bob Ross Beverly Hillbillies Jeopardy MST3K Rifftrax This Old House Antiques Roadshow (UK) History (Old History Channel) Military (Old History Channel)
  17. I watching that one on YouTube and 18 for Tulsa looks like an average Joe. How did the main Tulsa team lose to this squad? Fun game and probably only time I'll ever watch Tulsa Athletic.
  18. Just to remind everyone that isn't @RamjetFDO .
  19. I think like everyone Im hoping for Luton Town, anyone but Sunderland or West Brom works for me though. More importantly, I hope Wednesday can win the League 1 playoff. They need to be back in the Championship. I love watching the old Around the World in 80 Days with Michael Palin from the late 80s. Everytime he could he'd stop and phone in and ask the Wednesday score. He's odd though as he's both a United and a Wednesday fan when it suits him.
  20. Authentic taco trucks on every corner. And you know what, we're getting pretty damn close to that utopia.
  21. I couldn't watch today, but willed the 1 shot and 0 on goal from Fulham line from work. It was a good day.
  22. He's in some syrupy version of a Northern Quebec Gulag
  23. Fantasmic was pretty cool in the 90s, but yeah it's time to rethink it. I worked crowd control for Illuminations about 1/2 of my shifts in Epcot in 2009. We were in charge of opening up Showcase Plaza for guests to sit if the wind was right. We still stood up there when winds were going in the wrong direction, and we knew that meant we had to watch out for falling fireworks. I miss the hell out of that show. What a soundtrack! Don't be disgusting. I'm not from New Jersey.
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