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  1. Taken from literally a mile away, but super cool to see.
  2. That's a lot of words to try and come to terms with your lack of blowjobs.
  3. Ya that old bear is a badass. Last time I saw him:
  4. Ya not sure why it's not working, so here a super low res screenshot
  5. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DD8cNFtNDMi/?igsh=ZDBmMDV2M3prcHRi
  6. Don't think I ever posted this here yet, but this one got me to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition in London, and is now on display in the Natural History Museum. Once a lifetime type thing/ dream for any wildlife photographer. Low res copy, but you get the idea.
  7. If you want to call shooting deer at a feeder "deer fishing," be my guest. Certainly a more honest description.
  8. 1. If you're talking to someone, learn how to use the quote button. 2. People have already answered you - shooting, harvesting, killing, whatever. You also brought up some dumbass example about fishing (no one called fishing "hunting" so what the hell is your point?) and said I should write a letter to Merriam-Webster. Why? Do they define hunting as shooting at animals you've been feeding? Nah, they define it as "pursuit of game."
  9. Well it's certainly not hunting, whatever you wanna call of it. You sure as hell are defensive about it. Hopefully you're not one of those losers who shoots a corn-fed deer and calls yourself a "hunter." Get outta here with that pussy ass shit.
  10. No hyperbole on my part. Agreed with the rest of your post though. It ain't hunting. It's so far from it that it's beyond ridiculous that those who engage in it would even use the term.
  11. Don't get defensive. I just said it's not hunting, and the dudes who do that and yet call themselves "hunters" for it are insecure little shitbags.
  12. Unpopular opinion in Texas (but very popular here in Montana): shooting an animal you've been feeding from a deer feeder is not "hunting," and any sissy-ass douchebag who engages in it sure as shit ain't a hunter
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