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  1. Does Elko not understand that the signature is ultimately what matters? Or does he think he can flywheel "momentum" into something, like a lower price for the signature later on? I don't get it. (And from the inside, I wouldn't be able to explain it)
  2. Spindletop

    Texas GPA

    Ha, I think most Surly posters are pretty clever compared to the typical Internet message board. I mean, have you ever been to Texags?
  3. Spindletop

    Texas GPA

    Totally fair, and what you are saying could be true. My sample size is small, and doesn't include the sports you mention as far as I know, but I have been happy to have student-athletes in my class because they take the "student" part seriously and are really trying to pick up the material. Of course, there is self-selection bias because I teach in a major that has a reputation for being difficult. No academic advisor will direct students to our department for an "easy" major.
  4. Spindletop

    Texas GPA

    I teach an upper-division elective at the business school and have had multiple student-athletes in my class. As a whole, they are above the average for my class--they show up most of the time, pay attention, and do the work. I don't know what sports they play unless they give me documentation about the specific classes they are allowed to miss due to University-sponsored sports events. One student who plays a sport people know about wrote to me yesterday asking the best way to make up the work they have to miss due to the competition schedule. I am impressed by our student-athletes. They work much harder than I did when I was a student.
  5. A bunch of my college friends are sending their kids to A&M. The state's population has grown a lot and getting into UT is hard. I am not sure if these kids who grew up as Longhorns suddenly become redass, or remain 2%ers, or something in between. A&M has also gotten so big that Fish Camp fills up within hours or minutes of the slots opening up, so at least, a smaller percentage of the incoming class is getting the immediate indoctrination. At the public in-state price point, A&M seems to be the next best option for a lot of people. Not exactly sure why UT-Dallas isn't higher on people's lists, but for whatever reason, it just isn't. Or maybe getting into UTD is also very competitive (I don't know).
  6. Lol Micah Hudson is at A&M now? Greatness
  7. So OU has a Charlie Strong clone as coach, and A&M has a Herman clone. What a time to be alive.
  8. Chances are they've lost another submarine wide receiver since you last hit F5
  9. - Yell leaders - Reveille - The Corps - Only Texas school in the SEC - Small town feel with 70,000 students on campus - Consistent 8-4 performance - Maroon carrots - Jizz jars
  10. It is unbelievable to me that they are already talking about firing Elko. I thought they would do much worse than 8-4 given the roster turnover they had. Not to mention, residual buyout payments for Jimbo AND Elko, and salary for a new coach, and NIL?
  11. There must be something in the water in College Station.
  12. A&M and benching senior quarterbacks A&M and making decisions based on optics A&M and losing to Texas
  13. This sounds hilarious, what's the story behind fighting in a Home Depot parking lot?
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