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Everything posted by hopkinsnhorns

  1. Bloodless CPR on a chest gunshot would. She must be fucking Houdini.
  2. Defense experts will put to bed any idea that she was supposed to use the knife or mace to subdue the perceived burglar. Taser or pistol were her only offensive weapons viable to her at the time, and my guess is the defense would argue that access to her taser was limited by the bundle of shit she was carrying in her left arm. Fact of the matter is, she could have easily called for help on 911 and posted up outside the door. If there was a burglar, there was no one in danger in her apartment as it was previously unoccupied, and the burglar has only one means of egress and that's through that apartment door, unless he's going to rapel off the 3rd/4th floor balcony like Batman.
  3. But that is countered by the physical evidence and testimony of the Chemistry teacher/football coach who returned after her. He entered the parking garage minutes after her, but had time to park and gather his things before she came hauling ass around the corner and backed into her spot. Why would she lie about that? There's something there that we don't know about, and it must be damning for her to lie about it.
  4. she looks pissed that the State keeps interrupting her "poor me" narrative.
  5. Defense trying awful hard to shoe-in that story about her looking up to cops as a child. Good on the State to keep it out.
  6. They've caught her in a lie about entering the parking garage. There is missing time from when she enters to when she parks, but according to her, she drove straight to her spot with no stops.
  7. She said she wanted to continue, even while breaking down in tears, but the Judge excused the jury and took a recess for her to compose herself.
  8. Where are you getting these for $1.50/lb? My nearest HEB has them for $3.34/lb https://www.heb.com/product-detail/fresh-beef-cheek-meat/665048
  9. Toxicology blood draw was around 3am, about 5 hours after the shooting.
  10. Nothing fancy? I almost unzipped my pants and went to town to those pics. Luckily I'm at work and not looking to get fired.
  11. My mom used to buy jars of pickled lambs tongue. Otherwise, I've got nothing. I am curious as to how @dad went about smoking the beef cheeks though.
  12. This sounds like something that would be said by someone who had never trespassed into the home of a large male black stranger armed with an ice cream spoon. /s
  13. Interested to know what kind of professional relationship the one juror had with the Texas Ranger that caused the sidebar yesterday. Whatever it was, the judge didn't find it egregious enough to boot them from the jury, but skeptical me wonders what kind of "Blue Lives Matter" ringer the defense was able to land on jury... It only takes one to result in a hung jury.
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