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Posts posted by MIkeHoncho

  1. 34 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    We made our bed, shit in it and will be wallowing in it for years to come. 

    to be fair, Mack Brown post 2010 is the one who shit in it.  

  2. Just now, Modessit said:

    Like how the defender kept tackling Card after the ball was obviously gone by no flag for roughing.

    this.  Right in front of the fucking ref.  The rules are in place for player protection mr. referee.  now you get Card hurt because they can't be bothered to through a flag on clear roughing.  

    CDC and Sark - get vocal about this shit.  Fuck the b12 office.  let them try to fine UT.   God Damnit.  If CDC and Sark care, they will publicly call this shit out now that players are getting hurt because of blatantly bad officiating. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, LTbear said:

    Nothing gets me hyped for football like casually airing out the nutsack in an empty stadium. 

    Look at his face.  He's proud of that fart he just dropped, but also a bit worried that more than just air came out. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Deej said:

    And we need to never offer a Lake Travis qb again. Soft motherfuckers. 

    We can say the same about 99.99% of Texas HS offensive linemen.  TX HS Coaches need to get fucked until they put real lines together.  I hate to say it, but Jumbo seems to have had the right idea to go out of state for his linemen. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, satyanash said:


    Somehow this tells me that our collective vag of an o-line is at that point in their cycle...  Home team doesn't want to mess up their yellow or white unis. 

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