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Posts posted by MIkeHoncho

  1. 8 minutes ago, Bigjohns97 said:

    I agree this monkey-gate thing is the icing on the cake,

    Bullshit.  This monkey event is what will galvanize the team.  Make them realize the world is really all against them.  Bring them together to embrace the dark side.  We are ALL Team Monkey now!!!  Let's go fling some monkey poop all over ISU at their place.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. This has to be used in the recruiting pitch doesn't it?  I mean, if we get the 5*s and start winning at a high level, can you imagine the 30 for 30?  "Strippers, Monkey's and 5*'s - What's going down in the ATX"  It could be a freaking mini-series.  Bring in the Minister of Culture to chant, Ricky to talk meta-physics, Colt & Jordan to demonstrate fly fishing and throwing footballs to boats, VY just making random appearances in the background with the NC trophy like gold-bug in the Richard Scarry children's books, and Craig Way to narrate it all.  I'm sure there would be a way to work in some weird shit DJ, Earl, and Earl Thomas are doing.  Maybe have them all cram into one of Huffy's sports cars and pile out at the end.  

    There is something here for EVERYONE!!!



    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Jkwellborn said:

    Not a damn one has done a thing to fix it or change it either.

    Not saying you are one, but a lot on this board were crying about Alfred Collins not playing.  Maybe he was one of the most egregious in displaying a shitty attitude and Sark and crew were trying to change the culture.  I guess they could have said he was benched for acting like an entitled pussy, the team and recruits might have been negatively impacted, but hey - everyone on Surly would have known what was going on.  Except the ones who just knew he was lying about it.   

  4. 19 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    What is Mike Sherman up to today? He has a pretty good eye for OL.

    This please.  If Sark is really following the Saban model, he needs to sign this guy as the highest paid analyst of all time.  

  5. 1 hour ago, immamac said:

    The rest of 2021 should be solely focused on recruiting and getting Bijan the Heisman. 

    While I wish it were different, Bijan ain't winning the Heisman this year behind this O-line.  The argument will be he has disappeared in the 2nd half of some key games (thank you o-line).  And unfortunately we probably drop 1 more along the way.  I think the more realistic goal is to get him to NYC this year, and win it next year.  

  6. 4 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Looking back through that list I count I think one OOS recruit and I am pretty sure he was a Strong addition to the transition class. (A. Anderson, who never amounted to anything.) 

    I can't recall Mack's lazy ass going out of state for ANY OL recruits during his entire tenure on the 40. Sendlein and Studdard came to him gift-wrapped, before legacy/ex-NFL parents stopped trusting our program.

    This.  My hope is that Sark and Flood go all-in (and bring the biggest bags) to the best OL in the country and tell any pussy ass Texas HS coach to get fucked if they don't like us going out of state for OL.  So many Texas OL are still spread-passing attack only trained.  Start pulling some mean mother fuckers from the rust belt.  

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