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Posts posted by MIkeHoncho

  1. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Nice humblebrag.  I thought it was still a thing with the TX Assoc. of Auto Dealers lobby.  Where you still had to pickup your Tesla in another state.  Or is the deal now you can get it delivered here, they just can't have showrooms or something like that?  I dunno, we did a deep dive into the dealership cartel a few years back and it was much more confiscatory.  Probably eased up a bit since then. This was when some boutique electric car brands were trying to break into Texas like Byton, Fisker, Faraday, et. al. 

    My understanding was that to sell in TX you had to have a have a physical presence/showroom vs. 100% online.  That's why you saw Tesla initially open storefronts in places like the domain with maybe 1 or 2 cars.  

  2. 15 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    Any answer to this question that does not have the following pod:

    - Texas

    - Oklahoma

    - Arky

    - aggy

    is wrong and bad and you should feel bad for making it.

    Call it: The Hate Pod.

    Can't be the "Hate Pod" with aggy in it.  Hate 3, pity 1 doesn't have the same ring.  I look at this pod and think..One of these things is not like the other.  Although that could be taken a few ways.  Texas and the 3 sister/wife schools?  

  3. 11 hours ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Will UT be the most liberal university in the sec...or is Vandy and UF just as liberal?  I'm pretty sure, the other sec schools are very conservative. 

    mizzou has to be leader in the clubhouse for this I would think. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 hour ago, C-Man said:


    Find the one that somebody made with the Spanish speaking interviewee who continually has the high pitch laugh. It's much funnier than the Hitler one.


    TCU is an original member of the Big 12?



    You mean future LSU AD Ross Bjork?


    By the time they vote it will be 14-0.

    I can't wait to see how the aggy talking heads spin it that the "ag power brokers" finally got involved and were assured (probably through a gentlemen's agreement) that they would be at the big boy table from now on if they gave their precious vote to make it 14-0.  Probably got promised a brand new mini-fridge to store the jizz jar or something of that nature.  

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