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Everything posted by MIkeHoncho

  1. Camp Regard Ah. Good one. Such depth of thought.
  2. maybe he is a relative and this is payback.
  3. I don't know all of what you've said throughout this, but you asked what he could've done different or if he had done everything right. He did not do everything right, IMO. He should've left the window down. the advice I have always been given, and I'm an admitted OLD, is when pulled over, turn off the car, put both hands on the wheel, and tell them about any move you make - such as getting insurance from the glove box - so you don't give them any reason to think you are going for a gun or knife, thus giving them cause to overreact. Not about kissing their ass, it's about protecting yourself from people who might be amped up, scared themselves, or in some cases stupid. I'm in the camp that most cops are good, but like everything else, social media is shining a light on the idiots. In this case it is a good thing, because the losers need to be weeded out.
  4. Keep his window down while the traffic stop is completed and ticket issued until the cop says go on your way. I didn't see anything else he did wrong. I'd say this is about 95% cop being a dick who has a quick temper, 5% tyreek antagonizing things by rolling his window up after cop told him to keep it down. Cop could be concerned that with tinted windows some shenanigans can be going on inside.
  5. Don't kink shame the auditor. who doesn't like a little post game laminating of women?
  6. Honestly, any post asking for directional advice without input from our friends at Texags is worthless.
  7. interesting. I always thought the visiting team league provided the officials.
  8. As a lifelong Cowboys fan, I just know Jerry Jones will pick him in the first round. Fuck.
  9. Just checked into this game. What's amazing is that after seeing Elko last week, he makes Huepel look svelte. Holy shit!
  10. They should. They way overuse the only legit player on that team. He's a legit badass, just poor decision to link himself to prime.
  11. I feel bad for Travis Hunter being on that team. Hope he stays healthy and gets a big payday in NFL next year.
  12. Rhule @ Nebraska is gonna be a problem for the Big 10. I'm thinking they kept some receipts after the sanders' faux outrage at the end of last year's game. "they made it personal". Personal is taking the corn cobs up the ass. How is Shadur considered a good qb?
  13. Just to get out in front of it...
  14. I can't stop seeing the dude behind him yelling, "stop, stop" like Elko is walking toward a truck full of fudge.
  15. MIkeHoncho

    BC @ FSU

    is DJU worse than wiggy? I think so.
  16. The actual quote, "yo, ima be straight up 'bout now, ain' no step back bruh yo. ima take it in da grill y'all, no cap. I'll tell y'alls I ain't kick it like we's useta. Yo bruh. gimme my shoe and lemme puke yo."
  17. LSU vs. Aggy game 1 confirmed.
  18. So o/u on when those idiots start saying wiggy actually had a better game than Ewers. I'm calling Weds. Since QE had 1 pic against CSU, but wigs only had 2 against the second coming of the 85 Bears defense. If tu had played ND, "sewers" would have had 6 pics and been crying by the end of 3rd qtr.
  19. Awww shit. AFHorn and farmersfight looking for the ban after game 1.
  20. hahaha. "Run the fuckin' ball" -Mike Elko trying to get the loss over with.
  21. just pooch punt this shit and be done with it.
  22. BBRex keeping the faith!!!!
  23. poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor aggy!
  24. holy shit. Aggy gonna be down to 3rd string center after game 1?
  25. yeah, it does change things a bit.
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