Yeah, and most years it's just crazy overreaction to one game. Similarly, there's no harm in losing in Ames, KU has done that a shitload and still won the league. This game probably has nothing to do with who wins the league.
This is "likely" the year, because of the way the pieces fit together. They're not elite at anything useful and the only times KU has put together dominating performances it hinged around teams having no ability to stop Azubuike. Oops.
Edit to add: It's not all KU that they're vulnerable this year, having two apparently legit contenders matters, too. KU has had teams that weren't their best still win the league, because most of the competition was from a group of fringe top 25 teams that beat each other up. I think Tech and ISU both could rise above that fray to provide two legit contenders, and that's what it will take for somebody to take it away from KU.