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Everything posted by VolenteHawk

  1. Didn’t you read the note? It might serve others.
  2. I’ve always loved how TJ Ford and Kevin Durant both look like Michael Jordan had a kid with Shaq.
  3. Damn. It’s my fault. I just switched over.
  4. I have spent the last few years making an honest attempt at my signature but with my left hand.
  5. I'm far from an apologist on this stuff, I was (lightly) recruited in basketball. I saw how dirty it was even in the 90s...it's gotta be miles worse now. Everybody that's recruiting high level guys is some amount of dirty. But I actually believe that Self didn't know about De Sousa. He's usually pretty quick to sit guys when eligibility stuff comes up.
  6. I don't think Adidas cares which school as long as it's an Adidas one, because they ultimately don't care about their programs winning so much as getting kids hooked in for a shoe deal when they move on. I don't think they'd bid against themselves in a situation where a kid was down to Louisville and Kansas, for example. I'm presuming there are other parameters at play here, lots of recruiting pros and cons can still apply among selecting between different schools (even of the same apparel deal). My assumption from following all this is that Nike and Adidas are working hard ($$$$$) for the top guys, we just haven't cracked the Nike egg, yet.
  7. I voted OBP butting doesn’t matter. My team is broke.
  8. Tiger gave us a run of the best golf every played. That bought him some leeway. Bailing on your parents and sister is a bridge too far for a lot of folks, too.
  9. You came to the right decision. You’ll definitely enjoy the mower more than you’ll enjoy the next dude enjoying the fake cans.
  10. I have built the worst fantasy offense of all time. Where’s that panic button?
  11. My reading of the tea leaves is that he’s waiting for some team to show interest in him, then he’d pull the trigger. The problem is he can’t really guard or rebound. He obviously can’t shoot. His one elite skill is jamming lobs on undersized front lines, which don’t exist in the NBA.
  12. Yeah early, but Jakob Junis is rolling.
  13. People always blamed his back not letting him practice as much as others, but it's hard to tell if that was legit or an adoring media building a narrative for underachievement. But he was certainly good enough to have won considerably more.
  14. I was in college before I scored that action.
  15. It’s gonna be hard to root for Villanova after they took it in deep and dry last night, but I’ve got a 2nd in this and a first in another decent sized one on the line...so guess I’ll have to suck it up.
  16. Wife and son (9) are heading down for it. I’ve got a work commitment so am stuck here, but he’s pumped.
  17. I prefer OBP. I might have even been the one that brought it up on shaggy.
  18. See? Profitable. You weren't gonna run bad forever.
  19. It did for me too, but I went ahead and drafted. Shouldn’t have, my team suuuucks.
  20. I don't play or practice nearly enough any more to ever get good again, so my lowest round to date will very likely stay the lowest round of my life. Practice round for the Central Texas Amateur several years ago (Forest Creek) the day before the event. Perfect greens, no wind, pins mostly in easy spots...keeping traffic off the tournament locations. Hit it great, only really made two bad swings and both of them turned out okay. Fourteen pars and 4 birdies for a 68. Three career onlys for me that day that I never equaled before or after...round at 4 under, round at 68 (on any par), and bogey free round. The lights came on the next day and I humped a couple seventy-somethings on it like I'm supposed to.
  21. Since they’ve gone full football setup, a Monday ticket is pretty easy. Approaching free for upper level, reasonable for decent seats. The few “good” seats in the place still demand somewhat of a premium. And I may have a slightly tighter market view of reality, my one Final Four setup was New Orleans 2012 Kansas/Kentucky. As you might imagine, demand was high. There are just so many damn seats set up that way
  22. I'm in. Took me a while to get the confirmation email over here.
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