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Everything posted by GotThatFire

  1. I was already extremely specific. Not debatable
  2. *Insert gif instead of words*
  3. A little thrown back by your interest in said subject, but I could tell you about it. P.m. me, call me sir, and I might tell you how to take control in your bedroom. This is for free, but step one would be refusing to settle for choice brisket.
  4. Excuse me sir, but my shit is perpetually impeccable.
  5. That’s the most pathetic shit I’ve ever read.
  6. I can help you. I love you
  7. My wife works with retards like you. I am a DDDr in psych. Can change your life in a week if you want
  8. Agree with what I say or you’re a fascist racist bigoted Nazi misogynist etc.
  9. Either you’re just right of the middle or you’re a piece of shit.
  10. LOL in one hand you’re racist and in the other you hold a sign that says BLM he’s so “elite” yall
  11. The best your party has to offer is a racist sex creep with dementia.
  12. I take particular offense to your brand of fake sanctimony. There’s a few others equally as repugnant as you but you’re the only one that happened to spew a certain level of hypocrisy on this day. I couldn’t care less about the antifa videos in fact if you were at all honest you would be pointing out that I said I don’t believe them. But no, you’re a dishonest fake news piece of shit
  13. Muh negative association fallacy from the big bad truth speakers
  14. Your heart is fake and you know it. How do you sleep at night?
  15. Do you have any idea how stupid and cringye you sound when you baselessly call someone racist? It’s like admitting you have the brain of a 3 year old.
  16. Block and ignore all opposition!! This is why people call you a soy boy
  17. Is that where y’all get together and eat CHOICE BRISKET
  18. But about that fake news the left has been spreading. I see fake news all day every day but this particular bit was excessively disturbing. Using a dead man to spread fake news for political gain when all this time yall been acting like you care. I think it was wrong for Trump to assume that George would think it’s a good day or even a good start, not up to him to decide or assume. But then turning around and using that to manipulate and spread fake news is even worse, just shameful
  19. Sorry, I didn’t mean your as in you, I meant your as in you people, this board. Twice in one day somebody has said that, and I’ve seen the word several times over the years but never know who or what it was
  20. *Chuckles* “I’m enjoying this” no, I don’t take anything you say seriously. also what is your obsession with this miniballer and why do you think everybody is that person? That’s the second time now that somebody has suggested that, but I can’t be the first person to casually call out fake news on here so what gives?
  21. That might be a good place to start if you’re going to run around this board spewing fake ass sanctimonious bullshit about the subject. Clown
  22. Insert pathetic, defeated gif and hollow insult as I weep into a puddle
  23. Or more specifically, a particular mouthy hypocrite.
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