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Everything posted by GotThatFire

  1. I won’t watch a second of this bullshit game and I’ll think less of anybody that does.
  2. Lol. Fucking Kansas. They haven’t lost the Big 12 since I was a teenager.
  3. All the pessimists can finally cum now.
  4. Well what can you expect when their hand sign would look like they are cupping balls and sucking dick
  5. Their entire identity revolves around Texas. Sad!
  6. Just instantly the first thing on his mind all he can think about is Texas what a fucking pathetic loser hahaha
  7. Who was the C that snapped that ugly shit and where is he going to school? Lulz
  8. Not all guy guys take shots like pussies you freakin bigot.
  9. Huge improvements. Staff continuity is a big deal. I’m good with our guys. Wanna see what they can accomplish.
  10. Beck showed some wheels on that play.
  11. Why tf would you post that here, Cajun?
  12. That’s not Andrrson Cooper, that’s Jamie Lee Curtis
  13. Going to be a replay of this on TV at some point? Maybe something online?
  14. Everybody coming back and we winning all the trophies.
  15. The University should do something special for draft worthy players that come back for their senior year. If they already do, I don’t know about it, so we should do something better.
  16. I still believe were the better team LOL they got fucking destroyed the game was not close they got their asses beat in every aspect of the game and completely dominated on both lines of scrimmage you are not the better team
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