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Cairn Horn88

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  1. Probably-possibly-maybe-perhaps-could be-good chance-yep!
  2. That’s not chicken fried steak….that’s fried chicken….gzzzzzzz
  3. …..in fact…..it will keep a head coach from getting a contract extension, and probable ousting!
  4. The games should be on ESPN+, or other ESPN or SECN…..I would hope.
  5. Hmmm…..just noticed this as well…..any Texassports search for any sport defaults to texaslonghorns.com……whatever….the current softball schedule, as noted, does not currently have game times.
  6. You just cannot replace her, plus affects your depth…..somebody’s gonna have to step up….tbd.
  7. Didn’t we see this very similar-type-style game just last week?
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