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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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South Austin last won the day on December 16 2024

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  1. They're not being deported, they just ran out of papers.
  2. Yep. Chip is a badass, and one of the nation's experts in media and defamation law. He's also a really nice guy, as long ago through a mutual work relationship I had dinner with him several times. Lively's lawyers are going to have their hands full with him.
  3. Justin Tucker would disagree.
  4. Following up on my comment about Cobain above, I think Layne Staley, with or without Alice 'N Chains, might have kept a musical career going had it not been for his suicide. From everything I remember and have read about Cobain, he seemed so sick and tired of fame and touring in front of crowds. Not to compare him musically to Jim Morrison, but before Morrison died he appeared to have given up on music and retreated away to focus on poetry and stuff other than being in a rock band. I think Kurt Cobain would've done something like that.
  5. Would've loved to see what John Lennon did in the 80s and beyond. Same with Marvin Gaye, especially how R&B evolved so much in the 80s and 90s. I'm sure a lot of people would mention Kurt Cobain. I think folks forget that the "grunge" genre which exploded with Nirvana and other bands in the early 90s very quickly got diluted and essentially destroyed with the crap that the latter part of the decade produced. I've wondered how Cobain would've deal with that, and if he hadn't eventually killed himself, he may just have faded into the background.
  6. I know this is all incredibly so fucked up and infuriating. But that bit about resettling Chuck Shumer made me chuckle.
  7. I also have a low key Super Bowl Sunday planned since we'll be looking after our one-year old pup coming off shoulder surgery. I never really cared for pimento cheese until my wife got me hooked on it a few years ago. Ina Garten has a spicy pimento cheese recipe that kicks ass, and I put that with bacon on sourdough bread for grilled pimento cheese sandwiches. That and maybe some sort of meatball action and a buffalo chicken dip.
  8. If we can get a college located in Gaza, how long before they get a P5 football team?
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