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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. If we can get a college located in Gaza, how long before they get a P5 football team?
  2. A slightly more recent example is Brown v. Board of Education. The Court issued the decision in 1954, and it took another decade for large parts of America to fall in line. And it's not because state and local governments just decide it was time to obey a decision from the highest court of the land. It took federal and congressional enforcement.
  3. Just as long as he doesn't rub the jury the wrong way.
  4. I don't think it's going to be a happy ending for him.
  5. The guy scores 100 points in a game and he thinks he's an expert in foreign affairs.
  6. This is why guys like you will never win a knife fight.
  7. It’s because Justin Tucker can’t control himself.
  8. If you pay $500 per hour and have a good retirement plan, I’ll be your first applicant.
  9. Oh, that's right. No extra point or conversion to keep it at 44.
  10. If you make your travel plans far enough in advance (and I don't recall that it had to be that far out), you can get front row pretty easily, especially if you want to catch an early evening show and then grab a later dinner.
  11. I've done this twice, both times sitting right in the front row. It's such a great time. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.
  12. That's crazy. I was at that game, and remember Major taking a knee when we could have easily scored toward the end of the game to pile on, just to keep the Texas score at No. 44. I also remember it because I had broken off an engagement, and then three days later was 9/11. It was a weird time for me.
  13. I got the shit kicked out of me in Wisconsin once, forget it!
  14. Graham Harmon and Billy Liucci need to team up and fight crime together.
  15. We went to GW Fins a couple trips ago. The food was outstanding, and as good as other posters on this thread had hyped (scalibut kicks ass). But we didn't think the ambience was all that great, and the restaurant had the look of any other unremarkable restaurant you'd find in Plano. I thought it also had a bit of a douchy vibe that I don't get in many other New Orleans restaurants. But, I need to get past that and go there again.
  16. I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump from behind Graham Harmon and letting us all know we've been punked.
  17. Follow up: Ned's having surgery on Friday. From what I've read, 75% of surgeries to correct OCD are successful, with dogs no longer experiencing lameness after recovery, so fingers crossed this works. It sucks, because in early January he had two weeks of exercise restriction to recover from neutering, and now he'll need closer to four weeks of crate rest, which is tough on a one-year-old large dog who craves a lot of physical activity. He'll be doped up on Trazodone for much of it to keep him chill and off the healing shoulder as much as possible. Poor guy. Looking forward to running with him in the backyard again.
  18. Rayon and polyester is where it's at.
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