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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. aggy tears give me the most glorious hangover.
  2. Do you know of anyplace in Austin that sells halfway legit black pudding?
  3. From northwest Austin, just back from a puppy walk and ready to get drunk off aggy tears . . . TEXAS!!!
  4. I had no idea until this morning that there is a real person who goes by Dude Perfect.
  5. My first game was 1994, my first year at UT and in the state of Texas. It was the post-McWilliams John Mackovic era of mediocrity, and aggy for the most part had owned the Longhorns’ number, and so when they kicked our ass that game, it seemed like the mentality among the Texas crowd was, “Yeah, seems about right.”
  6. aggy didn’t lose, they just ran out of unconsciousness.
  7. I tell you what, you get a dog, and you have no trouble getting your steps in. 15,000 steps yesterday, which was our first full day with Ned. I know it won’t be like that on many non-holiday weekdays, but he flat wore me out.
  8. I can see that. I think the ending is great without that last bit in the original script. Neal doesn’t need to hear the whole backstory. He finally feels empathy and just knows he needs to give Del a home for Thanksgiving.
  9. Sark is reportedly installing a herp derp package for Arch Manning.
  10. You might say he’s nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time. (He’s really a sweet and good boy, just missing his foster mom and siblings, so we’re being patient and loving during this big transition.) IMG_0223.mov
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