A lawyer friend of mine just recommended this book on the longevity lifestyle: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity. I may check it out.
For me (I turn 50 in 22 days as a reference), here's what I've been doing over the past several years to keep the angel of death at bay:
1. Exercise. I lift weights about 4-5 days a week and work in at least a day of HIIT cardio. Rest days are good to let the body recover. I went back to the gym just before hitting 40 after about a decade of little exercise, and it made me feel like a different person. And I never skip leg day; in fact, I've read studies that show lower body workouts are beneficial to longevity, especially those that help with balance (think step ups and split squats). I also recently incorporated the 10-minute walk after dinner on the recommendation in some other Surly thread (I think @troph mentioned it), and I also try to do this after lunch if I can get out of the office for a brisk walk around my building.
2. Diet. I eat a ton of fiber, try to get as many servings of greens as I can, cut down on red meat, eat a handful or two of healthy-fat nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), and consume about 150 grams of protein a day. I stay away from shit processed food, and minimize my carb intake outside of whole grains. Thankfully, I've never been much of a sweet tooth, so keeping sugars low is not a challenge. I also drink a ton of water throughout the day. I cheat at times, but it's the exception and not the rule. My only dietary negative is alcohol. For the past decade or so I've avoided alcohol Monday through Thursday, but tend to tie one on during the weekend, especially during football season. The best approach to alcohol is to not drink at all, but I don't do that. I've stayed away from tobacco since a few stupid cigarettes in my teens.
3. Sleep. The studies about the importance of sleep for longevity, especially as it pertains to reducing odds of dementia and cognitive decline, only grow. I try to get 7-8 hours a day, but that can be hard. I take melatonin and l-theanine to help with sleep.
4. Supplements. I don't go crazy with the supplements, as I'm a believer that if you maintain a healthy diet of whole foods, you get most of the nutrients your body needs. But, I take an omega 3 supplement (because I don't eat as much fish as I should), zinc, vitamin D, calcium/magnesium, CoQ10, L-citruilline, and beat chews (the latter two for circulation and blood pressure). I also add tumeric and ginger to a daily protein/fiber/greens shake for anti-inflammatory benefits.
5. Annual physical. I see the doc once a year and go over my bloodwork to make sure everything looks good, particularly the cholesterol, as I have relatives with some heart issues. I also got my first colonoscopy this year at age 49, and recommend everyone should get one when they hit 45. And I try to pay attention to my body and see a doctor if anything is off. Case in point: Earlier this year I noticed something that looked like a blemish or something on my cheek that wasn't going away. Made an appointment with a dermatologist, and last month got a piece of carcinoma carved out of my face. I do need to see a cardiologist, not because of any physical symptoms and my cholesterol is low, but as I mentioned some of the men in my family have had heart issues, and I'd like to have a baseline check as I enter my 50s. I hear too many stories of people (mostly men) in great shape who drop dead of a heart attack from an undetected heart condition that the best of lifestyles can't avoid.
6. Socializing. I gather with friends often. It's a rare weekend when my wife and I aren't doing something with some friend group. Studies on longevity also talk about the benefits of socializing. Go out and be active with friends.
7. Sex. I'm not sure if lots of sex helps with longevity, but I tell my wife that it does!!!
The main problem I have is stress. I'm a lawyer, and the stress of the job has not waned over time. I'd like to retire before 65 if possible, and 60 might be too early. Hopefully working out helps counter the work stress.
Good thread, and I look forward to hearing from others.