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  1. basically..I blame the aggy coach
  2. yips, like someone said. I noticed after about the 2nd pitch. Could also be injured, but if she can throw it down, definitely yips.
  3. as much as Lloyd is hyped for being an international recruiter, I feel like Miller was well known for that at one time as well? We could use a good Euro big man who can shoot
  4. LSU fans started tailgating last night…nttawwt. Hopefully we walk by a few that have some boudin going…
  5. see y’all drunks tonight or at tailgate in about 2 hrs
  6. great 2nd half RT..as someone said earlier, big lead, then shit the bed down the stretch. Like clockwork
  7. Assuming RT is gone at seasons end, wish there was a way for them to shitcan Haith first, since he deserves it even more. What a lazy, worthless hire. I chortled when Bilas said “Texas just needs to get into their offense…”
  8. fat Taylor moves like a ymca 40 yr old
  9. Taylor on the Harden conditioning program
  10. a porta potty girl told my buddy she heard RT is getting at least 4 years if we make the tourney. But I think it was just “a” porta potty girl, not “the” one…
  11. are people surprised that just maybe, possibly, Ryan Reynolds could be a tad on the cunty side off screen? I know it's shocking and the majority of the idiot public thinks he has Deadpool's personality off camera but I bet in his circles he can be a bit of a control freak, bitch boy. Which is fine when you're Deadpool and he probably could get away with much worse and still be ok in the public eye.
  12. phantogram was cool at acl live. Lead singer was sexy AF. Iwant to touch the hiney…
  13. have a couple of buddies with the ol stepmom story but also half siblings involved, so I guess 3rd marriage for their dad? One with stepmom writing them out all together since the dad didn't make it iron tight before dying or a half sibling getting 8 times more. It's all messy but are you a dick if you're mad that a half sister got $4mil+ and you "only" get $250k? I'm sure it makes future holidays awkward but it is what it is.
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