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Everything posted by ballrific

  1. Can anyone rec a "planner"? Did some research for disneyland and melted my brain. Disney World seems even more of a mind bend. Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  2. Right, I should have clarified. What if protax protests the taxes and tcad says "oh shit, you know what, they actually should be higher."
  3. What's the chances you screw yourself by using protax or five stone and your assessment/taxes actually increase? I'm wondering if my concern is justified or if there's no risk at all at most it stays the same. Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  4. How did Lalo get to Germany and find the underground engineer's widow? I may have missed that but Gus is 1 step ahead... Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  5. if that was the mom in the video, she seems like an enabling dipshit but would like to see any available social media "pics" of mom before rushing to judgement.
  6. early blastfurnace talk serious business...goddamnit
  7. Shifts. Yep, that's probably them and I didn't know there was a common look for them but who knows. But trust Borat on the subject for the most part...
  8. Gypsies. I'm surprised Austin took so long to get them. They run game in every hood that idiots will keep giving them money. TT, the domain, NW Hills, etc...Typically a "family" with a baby and some elementary school aged kids. Then at the end of their shift, they hop in their suv and drive off. Similar to the westlake junky dragworms from the 90s who would all hop in their nice grand cherokee at the end of the day. I dont think the "family" gypsies are junkies tho. Saw a crew at heb who had the full on carny look, bearded lady, gimp, etc...yelling at each other in romanian. Or is it romani? Those are totally different I think, don't recall.
  9. I'm sure we're fine, everyone go outside
  10. yep, that 86 angels team was solid. I'm also very familiar with the other teams/rosters from RBI Baseball that season...
  11. So where are "GA" tix? Is it a sit where you want for the tourney? Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  12. I saw them a few times that year too and went to that random Lamar show..."Beau-fucking-mont" I think he said... Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  13. Think I'm more concerned with getting in the south region than a high seed, but both would be fantastic Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  14. Will give it a try, assumed it would be rubbish until seeing this thread. Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  15. Can anyone rec a toyota/suv shop in Austin that does good suspension work? Like clockwork my 4th gen's xreas suspension is going out and wanted to replace with some good aftermarket shocks (I've heard to look at bilsteins). Just want to swap them out without costing an arm and a leg. Just hit 100k on the old girl and replaced the timing belt and water pump, which was pricier than I expected. Should have probably had it done in Houston before moving back to Austin prices.
  16. The Honeymooners...my old man got me started on it when i was a pup Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  17. Good thing I already had brain fog, jokes on omicron! Those symptoms also sound like a hangover which most around here have daily
  18. Yeah, the last time we went we opted for in town and did the shuttle but that was long before kids. Don't think I knew there was even a lot of lodging on the mountain but maybe there is now (it's been ~ 20+ years).
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