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Everything posted by ballrific

  1. This. I’m semi allergic and its fine. People think having a cat means letting it roll around on you and your shit all day. Leave them out and let them hunt, you’d be surprised how many rodents and snakes are on your property. These people are also typically millennial parents with peanut allergies and labradoodles No knock on peanut allergies but you get the point. No apologies for doodles tho[emoji1]
  2. wonder if this was a last second re-write considering they’re “writing out” the Kang actor. Will be interesting how they introduce Doom in his place. I also know shit about nothing, Kang could get a redemption arc
  3. play calling wasn’t an issue as much as our QB not being able to make throws a high school sophomore can make. There were some really bad ones today
  4. First off, congrats on the championship Ranger fans. Second, every Ranger friend I saw last night said they loved Wash. So a slightly better 70 yr old version of Dusty? I’ll take it, I guess
  5. yep, as simple as winding down the day with 3-4 drinks plus just 1 ambien. You need to be in your sleep spot within 10 minutes of taking, they can bring sleep onset quick
  6. I thought they hated Byrne, like at the level of not pissing on him if he was on fire? Doubt they made up and assume they tolerate each other just enough to promote this release. But I think the chances of them ever playing together again is about as high as the Smiths reuniting (RIP Andy). Which sucks for fans.
  7. its not like the cougs lost to Rice or anything, they’re a well coached team?
  8. I apologize if the question has been asked 20 times, but does anyone know which side the Horns will be on in relation seating section? Just found out we’ll be able to shoot down and need to grab some tix.
  9. if someone makes $1mil+/yr and lives in Mueller, to each their own…or something something…
  10. Things were a little different today when not going up against a backup QB
  11. Think I stepped on a coral today in nw hills. May have been a king but my dog chased it off before I could see pattern.
  12. So glad we went to dallas. Hopefully his plane doesnt break down w2
  13. someone remind me again which hotels are majority ou fans. I think I fucked up and accidentally booked one north of uptown. shit. Maybe most of them were west from what I recall..
  14. We're in either Sect 9 or 10 this year, row 5ish. At least one of my kids will be with me and they're around that age but I'm not sweating being in a low row. Some views will be blocked but it also can be fun if you've never sat that close during a tx/ou game
  15. dont remember last time we drove up morning of an 11am game. Anyone do that from Austin recently? I'm assuming a ~ 6am departure time is needed.
  16. Fake army flex... they're used to beating the shit out of low-level drug offenders, so this is like the movies to them
  17. Yep, I remember avoiding large buckeye groups before the game and it was like nam after the game...pepper spray, bags of piss being thrown, spit, smoke bombs, burning couches ...basically a mix of rust belt inbreds and jersey shore CTJ mentioned some hostiles after the bama game, so I was curious if it was similar to the 05 ohio st game. Doesn't sound like it..
  18. Did you go to Columbus in 05? If not, I'd like to hear from anyone who did and also attended this last weekend. Curious on the comparison because I find it hard to believe anything could be worse than Columbus. The comment about being just with the wife and not with a large group made me think of that 05 game. One thing I noticed with those buckeye morons and I bet it applied with the bama yokels as well, was that they usually didn't say anything to you if you were a huge dude or 6'0"+. Pussies usually operate that way, especially in large groups.
  19. Sark makes zero adjustments like someone said. He just has a script of plays and no matter what sticking to it.
  20. The 3 minutes of Boyd was better than the whole season. Sorry if thats a spoiler but I don't think anyone gives a shit about this show anymore
  21. This is the worst writing for a "highly anticipated" show that I can remember. So bad
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