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Everything posted by cknight

  1. Good luck deadshank L
  2. I got mine in 08 I think when they were still $1000 (super combo). It's nice now just ordering online and having the app on my phone in case I forget my license dove hunting.
  3. I got to fly fish for the second time this year and it really is addicting. The gift of having to really concentrate; be present and learn is amazing. Nothing like standing in a river all day! This is from the cimmarron river outside of eagle nest, NM. Only caught one small brown and this rainbow but can’t beat river therapy.
  4. I was hoping the Surly braintrust could help or provide some insight on starting or working with supplement companies to formulate and make my own line of supplements. Background is that Mrs. Cknight(no pics) is a gut health dietician who runs a small business that provides group and one to one support for people dealing with gut issues. She recommends a wide variety of supplements but has to mix and match etc. as they might not have the specific ingredients or doses that she needs. Does anyone on here work for a supplement company or have one that they recommend? What specific questions should I be asking? Any red flags to look out for? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  5. Probably shared this pic from last year already. It’s a real joy watching a dog work and do what they love and were born and bred to do!
  6. Getting excited for dove/teal season even though it's hot as hell right now. My dog has been a couch potato for 4 months so we just picked back up training and I am getting her back in shape and tuned up. Anyone else got a lab or bird dog they are looking to shoot some birds over? I'm jonesing for some hunting!
  7. Changing an alternator in the front yard when it’s 104 isn’t the most fun … but can’t complain about getting 225,000 miles and 20 yrs off the original
  8. Is your’s an auto or standard? Does it have rear locking differential? Those a getting super expensive and desirable
  9. CSB time about Lucile’s; I helped build the large oak stand the receptionist use when you walk in circa 2004. We had an old Quonset hut off Foch street that we rented and used as carpenter shop. West 7th was way different back then with the old acme brick building ; Fred’s was going strong and used to have topless postcards in the mens bathroom
  10. Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins
  11. I would pay $16.95 for a whole bottle of Basil Hayden's much less a 2 oz pour.
  12. I’ll check out TFO; thanks a lot for the suggestions!
  13. I’ll check out TFO; thanks a lot for the suggestions!
  14. I’m going to start fly fishing (again) this year and wanted to get y’all’s opinion on some solid gear for mostly trout. I did some backpacking back in the day and had a cheap bass pro backpacking rod but like to get something nicer. Heres what I’m thinking so far: -freshwater fishing -6 wt rod? - orvis clear water? Any suggestions on local companies or am I heading in the right direction? Also, is YouTube a great place to learn or lessons etc?
  15. Stupid question since we are talking about aggy but what are the medals possibly for? How does one earn said medal?
  16. I'd add that a great pair of bino's or a spotting scope would be on top of my list. Living vicariously through you as that is a bucket list hunt
  17. Congratulations! Love the look of those. Did you have any trouble with the dealer? I've been hearing horror stories of waiting for a year or more and then when the Bronco arrives the dealer is throwing on a $25 - $30K ADM.
  18. Awesome, the only thing I did with my old jeep that seemed to help was swapped out the factory carb with an aftermarket kit by Weber (I think). I could never get the factory one dialed in. This was about 10 years ago so take it for what it’s worth
  19. I did that hike about 15 years ago and it was just absolutely amazing. If you’re scared of heights the 7 mile mark is where a lot of people turn around. I remember seeing that trail for the first time and thought there is no way in hell I could walk on that. If you take it slow it’s not bad. It’s totally worth it but it’s a bit sketchy Have a great time and take some good pictures. Also, my time on the trail was in 2006 so it might have changed since then.
  20. Help me spend some money surly. I received a $225 gift card to tecovas. I know they aren’t the highest quality boot but are they worth buying a pair or should I just order one of their leather travel bags? I have two pair of ostrich already as well several other just regular boots/work boots. Appreciate the recs
  21. Spent the weekend out at the ranch and just got back in. Shot two more hogs and saw a bunch of deer. It was an amazing morning this morning as the wind shifted and the rut seemed to be full on in NW Jack county. It was like a switch flipped from last night to this morning; had multiple bucks chasing hard
  22. FYI, there are multiple bottles of OWA 107 and eagle rare at the Specs off of 35 in Lewisville. Just bought a 107 for $47
  23. Shot this good sized boar from the veranda at 310 yards. We are just covered up in them. Saw them almost every sit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. We had a great opening weekend at our place; two hogs, one coyote and a great 7 point cull. Herbie, I feel your pain with young deer getting shot especially if they have been discussed. Luckily, we have a good core group of like minded hunters and we all let some really good looking younger deer pass. The 7 that was shot was almost 160lbs on the hoof and at least a 3.5 year old. Perfect deer to take out as he wasn’t getting any better and have much better deer in his same age class Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Haha; this is just a large platform (uncovered) we built on top of a hill to overlook a food plot and pretty country; we call it the veranda. The feeder is 310 yards away so this is our area to "hunt" where we put on music, talk, drink bourbon etc. The screws in question are like that so we can throw a camo netting to help conceal it when the leaves fall. I'll see if I can find some other photos
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