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Everything posted by cknight

  1. Missed a big boar right at dark but hard to beat these views and spending time with my brother and dad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I'm heading out this weekend as well. Going to get the feeders topped off; get everything cleaned; drink some bourbon and hopefully kill a pig or 3.
  3. I've used Messina's and had good luck with them as well.
  4. Let’s go! Been out here since 6:15 talking crap and kicking ass Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. That was outside Lufkin on a buddies family place; all local birds but pretty shot out by the time we left.
  6. Few things better than listening to the horns on the radio; drinking a cold beer and watching a good dog work! We were both pretty rusty but got back into the swing of things. Proud of my little Boykin; retrieved 23 dove and 2 pigeons
  7. I’ve been debating pulling the trigger on the front bumper and sliders from coastal off-road. Good reviews and seem to be good people it they stew weld together kits https://www.coastaloffroad.com/product-page/65-weld-on-rock-slider-kit/
  8. Ida Claire (sp) in north Dallas/Addison used to do some pappy “happy hours” pre-COVID. Not sure if they still do but they have a pretty decent selection
  9. Senor Swayze here is a link from the T4R forum where they guys give actual numbers for what they paid https://www.toyota-4runner.org/5th-gen-t4rs/154274-how-much-people-paying-new-4runner-528.html
  10. Hard to beat for $36!
  11. Who did you use for the guide? Any recommendations?
  12. 1994 FJ80 just went for $136k on bring a trailer; absolutely crazy. Granted only 1k miles and looked brand new but still crazy
  13. Let’s see some more pics! This is a bucket list trip and love to hear more about it
  14. Anybody got any recs for a Sandhill crane outfitter in North Texas or Abilene area? Wichita Falls area would be preferred as I could stay at the ranch and kill some pigs as well.
  15. Good luck with the FJ;s; they seem to do nothing but climb in prices the last couple of years. Matter of fact; the 2014 TRD Trail Teams are going for more now than they were new. Pretty crazy!
  16. cknight

    Dallas | BBQ

    Against my better judgement; went to Lockhart’s in downtown Plano. I ordered a half lb of moist and it was amazingly bad. I’ve had better meals at Dickeys bad; I mean cut wrong, dry, no bark pot roast bad
  17. ECBP C920 worth $90 buy? I had a couple of bottles of the A release and really liked it but it was about $20 cheaper
  18. I’m a big fan of Young Bucks brisket rub; gives a great bark. I haven’t tried their pork seasoning though
  19. Yeah it is; best dog I’ve ever had and shot hundreds of birds over her. Feel free to send me a message and we can talk. Another member on here has a male from the same litter and breeder.
  20. Wildpeaks are same price as everything else these days. Used to be significantly cheaper, but no more. Just checked and you’re right; I want to say it was close to $200-$250 cheaper to go with wildpeaks over bfg’s a year ago
  21. I run the p-rates wild peaks on my 4Runner. I went with the load range c instead of E due solely to the weight of the tire. They’ve done great so far and we’re significantly cheaper than KO2s. I ran the old terrace grapplers on my tundra (10 years ago) and strongly disliked them; barely got 40k miles
  22. Not for a $75k starting price I wouldn’t!
  23. I like them and they hold their value extremely well. They have three windshield wipers on the front and that just really bothers me for some reason. sorry about your 3rd gen @blacklab but glad it kept you safe
  24. My pops just picked up a 1997 T100 5 speed 4x4. I’ve never had any dealings with t100 so is there anything specifically to look out for or issues? I’ll see if I can find a picture
  25. My pops just picked up a 1997 T100 5 speed 4x4. I’ve never had any dealings with t100 so is there anything specifically to look out for or issues? I’ll see if I can find a picture
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