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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. I like to see her reveal herself more amirite fellas? (She said you have a "travel/photo lid." I.e., day is done, no press)
  2. We've come full circle. The pizzagate thread on the old site was so much fucking fun. I would have NEVER guessed that upon the whole thing being debunked, people would triple down and turn it into a fantastical mythology with millions of adherents.
  3. Liberals' stubborn insistence that their opposition accept objective reality = mind control/reeducation.
  4. Everyone is talking about Trump's NEW TONE!
  5. Reminder that the last Republican president prior to Trump left office in the midst of 2 full-scale foreign wars, historic unpopularity, and an economic crisis. Trump leaves in the midst of a deadly pandemic, historic unpopularity, and an economic crisis. It's like these people may not be the best stewards of our government.
  6. Yeah, it's been the same thing for like 10 days - I was acknowledging that they aren't even trying to appear to be doing anything at this point.
  7. Reminder that Nick Fuentes is a literal booger-eating moron.
  8. I imagine someone listened to the first 20-30 seconds to make sure it was catchy, then they sent it to legal to make sure they could sneak it in to the soundtrack without having to put a parental advisory sticker on it. They probably didn't figure out what the song was about, if ever, until the single came out.
  9. Movie Producers: "Hey, get those Rage Machine guys to do a song for this soundtrack. They're hot right now and Godzilla is going to need hard rock!" RATM: (ring ring) "Hello?" Movie Producers: "Can you guys put together a song for the Godzilla movie soundtrack? It's gonna be a BLOCKBUSTER!" RATM: [Writes song about how Hollywood and consumer culture keep people stupid and distracted and are bullshit, talks about movies whitewashing history, expressly calls the movie "Godzilla" itself "pure muthafuckin' filler." Sends in tape to the executives.] Producers: "Super!"
  10. Reminder that the vast majority of voter fraud was by Trump supporters and the only evidence of a politician trying to illegally tamper with the election results is what Trump tried to do. "Stop the Steal," lmao. Trump caught red-handed trying to steal the election.
  11. Dominion's lawyers are going to put together quite a trophy room. 1. Obtain retractions and apologies. 2. Nail the fuckers to the wall in court. 3. ???? 4. Profit
  12. Let's play WHO SAID IT? "There probably has not been a more racially divisive, economic divisive president in the White House since we had presidents who supported slavery." oh, and
  13. It is very telling that the lawmakers she's talking about never really try to refute arguments and criticism like this. They just say, "oh yeah? well you're a socialist!" Whenever they engage with her on the merits, at least on twitter, it's always a bloodbath.
  14. Their major argument is: BLM and Antifa created a tolerance/atmosphere of violence, which caused this violence. Sound reasoning.
  15. Trump solemnly praying in a military jacket at the border is the best. The messianic image these people project onto this total fucking clown is just incredible. I have never seen anything like it. These people believe that Trump works tirelessly for the good of the country, is deeply religious, makes all kinds of sacrifices, frets over the well-being of all Americans. While this guy paints Trump as messiah/founding father/patriot in essentially religious iconograpy, 90+ year-old Sunday school teacher Jimmy Carter whistles hymns while he builds houses for the poor.
  16. Standard operating procedure: We go into a country, fuck shit up, create a refugee crisis, and spit on the refugees. See also, Muslim ban.
  17. Since Orwell and 1984 have been the subject of many hot take analogies lately, I would argue that this entity's name is rather Orwellian: "The Rule of Law Defense Fund"
  18. It's not like it was an important or consequential vote though. Presidents are always getting impeached for inciting violent insurrection. This is like missing a vote to fund an overpass in West Virginia or creating a youth exemption from migratory bird stamp requirements.
  19. The lie has gotten people killed and will continue to get people killed. Gabriel Sterling out front shoulda told ya.
  20. Fox News is, veeeeeeeery slowly, realizing that gigantic fucking lies can be fatal. Killing their viewers with misinformation about Covid was one thing, but the bullshit about election fraud provoked a deadly response that you could watch on the evening news. (Maybe not Fox News, but other stations aired it). Think about it: if you really BELIEVE that the election was stolen through massive fraud, and no one in power is going to stop it, insurrection/force is an appropriate last-resort measure. If Trump ordered the military/feds to swoop in and take over the vote counts in swing states, and then declared himself the winner, and no branch of government put a check on that, and Congress just said, "well, this was corrupt and stolen and democracy isn't real but we're going along with this," I would full-throatedly defend anyone willing to put their life on the line to stop that charade. If you believe the lie, what happened on the 6th was morally justifiable and nothing less than an attempt to save democracy itself. If you really believe Trump and what you see on Fox News, and don't deep down know that all the "stop the steal" shit is just about Trump and the GOP trying to save face and play political games, that revolt was heroic. And now Fox, along with all the other grifters who pushed that shit, is realizing PEOPLE TOOK YOU SERIOUSLY. PEOPLE TAKE TRUMP SERIOUSLY. Even if you weren't as direct as Trump in saying the election was rigged and you were "just asking questions" about "election integrity," you were part of the steady diet of garbage these people consumed. Based on the information you gave them, they reacted accordingly.
  21. Ol' relatable Brit Hume. "Balderdash I say!"
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