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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. Wall Street, the PGA, & the Fortune 500 are showing us all what truly getting cancelled looks like.
  2. LOL, Pompeo is literally delivering remarks about how special America is right now.
  3. Outrage over the threat to his grift.
  4. Ha, Chuck don't subtweet. He is really just pumped about his history channel.
  5. Economic anxiety strikes again.
  6. I mean, if this dude is pissed about having his phone taken away, he must be a huge BLM supporter.
  7. Don't know where to begin with this one. I mean if these are the smooth brained folks that are supposed to counter Russian subversion, we can fucking surrender now.
  8. Bamachick, they got your ex-boyfriend.
  9. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-coronavirus-pandemic-elections-1806ea8dc15a2c04f2a68acd6b55cace?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP
  10. I mean, if you walked into a psychiatrist's office and said that Trump was sending out signals and hiding codes in his tweets to communicate grand revelations about an apocalyptic confrontation between good and evil, the psych might not even bother with going through the schizophrenia screening questions before mentally perusing the best anti-psychotic to put you on. But hey, this is mainstream GOP stuff now.
  11. ^^^ That will also make sure they can't get pardoned. Slap on the fattest charges after Trump is long gone.
  12. I'm a "patriot" who wants to suspend the constitution/democracy and violently implement an entirely different fascist autocracy. Because I love this country so much.
  13. Moreover, their priorities are beyond fucked. There is a real existential threat to this country and it marched into our capitol and killed people last week. And FUCKING TWITTER IS THE SLIPPERY SLOPE TOWARD FASCISM?!?!?!
  14. Still blows my mind that days after we all learned that Trump tried to get the GA Sec to commit voter fraud, thousands of his supporters stormed the capital to "stop the steal." It's so fucking topsy turvy.
  15. Conservatives are really telling on themselves when they are afraid of being "next" after qanon crackpots and literal nazis are getting deplatformed.
  16. Nice that they put "WE ARE THE STORM" on that flyer to make sure the QAnon loons get the coded message and show up. WCGW?
  17. Hysterical Kamala Harris warning that Trump is going to get people killed just by tweeting...
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