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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. I'm reading the full letter the original prosecutor wrote. After recusing himself, he writes a butthurt 3-page screed attempting to prejudice the shit out of the media and public. Ugh.
  2. So ridiculous the prosecutor had the balls to bring up a prior SHOPLIFTING charge as if it is relevant in any way. In order to bring actionable charges against white people in Georgia, a black person must apparently be a perfect victim.
  3. Especially after the Nakatomi Corp bought that huge plaza in LA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Tweet from former Tulsi Gabbard policy coordinator. Alleged victim is niece of noted witch/congresscritter candidate Christine O'Donnell. No touching alleged; just creepy uncle type comments. Came forward publicly after Biden won the nomination. At least one of these accusers is going to turn out to be a loon and we'll have Rolling Stones' "A Rape on Campus" all over again when the media is so excited over the scoop they don't do any verification.
  6. The bros were going to find some way to justify their non votes and protest votes. If it wasn’t the sexual assault stuff, it would have been something else. Scroll through Glenn Greenwald’s twitter feed - you would swear he is controlled dissent paid for by trump. He’s taking on Noam Chomsky for God’s sake. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. All these hot nurses standing up to demented Trumpkins make me so horny....errrrr hopeful. Hopeful.
  8. Arrival, Sicario, Blade Runner 2049. I have total faith. Arrival was one of the best movies of like the past 20 years for me.
  9. And guns have been FLYING off the shelves the past six weeks. More guns are making us safer. Checkmate, libs.
  10. That dog doesn't want the redi wip as much as he wants the nitro.
  11. And Andrew Gillum was so fucking cool. Florida fucked that up as hard as we fucked up Beto.
  12. Simpler times, when hardcore Christians had some humility. Granted, their understanding of science is still the same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDMl58alS4c
  13. Christians should be whipping themselves and carrying giant crosses, wailing and such, like that scene in "The Seventh Seal." If we're going to do the plague thing, let's go whole hog.
  14. DYING. Winner.
  15. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I'm going to hell.
  17. She did and her family is asking for socialist Soviet-style handouts. https://www.gofundme.com/f/khucq-help-the-sehlke-family
  18. SIAP. Looks to be real.
  19. Couple of Dylan masterpieces about black folks getting shit justice: Hurricane The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll Both songs are totally awesome and rocked out on Rolling Thunder Revue (Bootleg Series Vol. 5).
  20. Wreck Your Life is such a good fucking album name.
  21. Watch until the end.
  22. Summer 1995 - My sister heard, "Go, go, Jason Waterfalls..."
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