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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. I also just got this for all my modulation needs. Pretty intuitive and not as overwhelming as I'd thought it'd be.
  2. What patch cables is everyone using these days? I have a weird mix of hosa, D'addario, and George L's.
  3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Someone make an offer on this shit. 1992 ASAT classic in PERFECT condition. Transparent green. Asking $875. https://reverb.com/item/22875701-g-l-asat-classic-1992-transparent-green-ash-early-bbe-era
  5. Interesting stuff from Reverb's "The Gear of Instagram" Sea Foam Green Les Paul Inspired by Jack Bruce's "Fool" bass From "Giungi Guitars" Cool little Magnatone lap steel and practice amp. Only $595. Psychedelic Jazzmaster BADASS refinished Les Paul Bend the Knee
  6. That's the only cargo that would not make me rage at annoying carry-on-everything people. "Everyone stand back and shut the fuck up! Give the man some space."
  7. MXR Distortion III with a little EP Booster on the lead
  8. All the dudes in promise of the real do. Neil might mix in magnatones but his core setup is solid tweed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. The price tag and their relative scarcity in the used market pretty much scared me off the last time I was researching amps. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Happy belated Easter Lavendar Metallic Matte Aqua Splash Shell Pink (I dig this shredder) Pink Buttercream Sea Foam Pearl (combo of sea foam green and pearl?) "The Pastel Strat" from Fender's Twitter feed Some kind of blue - not sure
  11. Oh fucking hell yes. Heartless Bastards' first album is a perfect masterpiece IMO.
  12. If I have time tonight I'm going to demo the MXR Distortion III and play the solo from Sabbath's "Snowblind." That pedal is lo fi magic. Just need to tune my SG 1 1/2 steps down first.
  13. G&L ASAT Special with the MFD quasi p-90s and fender Princeton reverb reissue. The G&L can really quack. It beats my tele even though my tele has expensive boutique hi output pickups. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. For the third time, I'm back with Fulltone as my always-on dirt. I tested out the FullDrive 2 v2 the other day and got it new on clearance. I wish I knew how to quit you, Mike Fuller. Trying to upload a soundcloud clip...
  15. Recycled junk on Reverb. Pretty cool gallery. https://reverb.com/news/cool-recycled-gear-earth-day Prisma guitar (made out of old skateboards)
  16. Even better than coral is Tahitian Coral
  17. Chicago Music Exchange exclusives SGs in old school Fenderish colors and other unusual finishes Walnut Coral Shell Pink Olive Drab Gloss Yellow
  18. Playing golf all day and binge watching Fox News all night to own the libs.
  19. Love this album. Also, Emotional Rescue is a five star album in my opinion.
  20. I can't time the lead right at all but this is an Ego Comp, MXR Phaser and Swollen Pickle on the lead part.
  21. Vibrato setting on my Boss Waza Chorus is pretty nifty.
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