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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. This. Album. Shreds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. My grandfather and Frank Hamer on the capitol steps in Austin. 1935. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Fender waht r u doin?!?! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Technically a score and not a soundtrack, but I fucking love Elmer Bernstein's arrangements in "To Kill a Mockingbird." Tom Petty's recordings for "She's the One" were sublime. I wore that thing out. Great originals and covers alike. Never seen the movie and never will. It is so stand-alone good I don't need a shitty movie to mess it up for me. "Little Miss Sunshine" is an amazing soundtrack that often gets overlooked.
  5. Owned these ones on CD: Judgment Night Dazed and Confused Boogie Nights (both volumes) Pulp Fiction 2001: A Space Odyssey Trainspotting Superfly Never owned a Wes Anderson soundtrack, but that man can fucking pick winners. Jealous film school drop outs and haters can get fucked. I like my Wes Anderson movies with the most Wes Anderson-y soundtracks possible.
  6. Grandioso

    Led Zeppelin

    Seattle 75 sounds right. i definitely remember Over the Hills and Far Away being on it. If this isn't it, it is probably better than the one I'm talking about. Dat Trampled Under Foot. Damn.
  7. Grandioso

    Led Zeppelin

    The Danish TV Special is better than most of the shit on BBC Sessions. There is a Seattle bootleg that is probably one of the most famous. All the stuff is on youtube (I think).
  8. Yeah, these dirty details and minutiae are cringe-inducing. Gross.
  9. Such a weird and schizophrenic song that somehow just works and makes beautiful sense. The subject matter of the song is a NOLA jazz band but the musical style is a classical chord progression underneath classical and Nashville-country style lead playing.
  10. Phoebe Bridgers' statement sounds incredibly fair and rings true. It doesn't exagerrate nor minimalize what seemed to be going on - not criminal behavior, but rather unchecked fuckery by an emotional mess. She really goes after the enablers, too. The name & shame NYT article might end up being good for old Ryan, in the long run. He needs a heart to heart with Isbell, needs to stop the marijuana maintenance, and needs to come to Jesus.
  12. That has to be one of the dozens of body doubles that his paranoid, demented ass demands stay on the White House staff.
  13. Think of all the lives Trump has adversely affected just winging it and playing his trade war, border, and government shut down games. More than anything I want to see the parallel reality where Obama or Hillary sends troops to the border at Thanksgiving to defend us from imaginary threats, stiffs federal workers during the holidays, and fucks over deep red state farmers in order to "bring back" the steel industry that has largely been outsourced to other countries for 40 years.
  14. I was shocked at how many landfills and waste sites South Carolina had when I drove from Greenville to Myrtle Beach my one and only time setting foot in that state. I think I heard that surrounding states pay South Carolina to literally take their shit.
  15. Does the guy lashing out at Chris Wallace know that Stephen Miller is Jewish? I mean, if there is a literal arrogant Jew anywhere in this picture...
  16. You can also go "off the menu" if you see a one-off that they made for NAMM or a dealer and materials are still on hand, e.g., the Champagne Flake.
  17. G&L can make that for you. You can literally own that guitar in 4-6 weeks. So long as you go through a distributor, you can get a custom anything without the "custom" upcharge. I bought my G&L Doheny from a dealer in Minnesota who walked me through everything and also gave me the scoop on G&L's production and designers. And when the guitar was ready, he had G&L just bypass his brick and mortar store entirely and ship it to me. The ugly, prejudicial rumors about people from Minnesota are true: they are essentially Canadian in their politeness and helpfulness. Here's a place that takes all the G&L options and converts them to a form/price list. https://axepalace.com/guitars/g-l/build-your-own-g-l.html
  18. Call it the "States' Rights and Responsibilities Act."
  19. Yet at the same time, on the inside, he is a fragile china tea cup of a man
  20. Periodic G&L update from Surly's #1 G&L fanboy. The guys at G&L seem to be getting edgier, especially the custom shop. Interesting stuff. Jerry Cantrell is their most high profile hard rock/metal devotee, but I can see some of these catching the attention of other pros in the genre.
  21. Those are Elizabeth Warren-type points, which are coherent. AOC was talking about spending $3B in (hypothetical/contingent) waived tax revenue from Amazon on public infrastructure, goods, etc.
  22. Chuck Todd asked Bill de Blasio this morning if he could do a better job of explaining the difference between tax incentives and tax revenue to people, using AOC as an example. She said some shit about how the $3 Billion "given away" to Amazon could be better used to invest in the community, pay teachers, build affordable housing. The use of tax incentives is not a terribly difficult concept, and even podunk municipalities routinely deal with it, e.g., TIRZs. A member of Congress ought to know this shit inside out. The $3 Billion she is talking about is not in a treasure chest and being handed to Amazon. It is money New York would waive in return for the jobs, revenue, and economic growth that Amazon would bring. If she debated de Blasio on this, she woud look really, really bad. Side question: has she ever debated anyone? That said, I'm rooting for her, but if she has BIG economic dreams/goals, she needs to understand basic shit like money, taxes, etc.
  23. The self-owns in this thread are like deep inhalations from a fragrant freshly cut rose. They are just so fucking satisfying, especially when it's a follow up to some shit I haven't thought about in months and months, e.g., the Michelle-Obama-is-an-Ape lady. ^^^^ Thank you, Hugo.
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