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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. Whoever was looking for an acoustic DI/preamp, this is a good ass deal https://reverb.com/item/17868764-ashdown-aa-woodsman-acoustic-guitar-preamp-di-pedal
  2. There's like a million wires in here.
  3. This statement seems to be intended for those who have no idea how government, budgets, democracy, money, or numbers work.
  4. Bernie is like an awesome band like the Stones that you listen to, support, and love - except the band has a fanbase that operates like Ariana Grande's hyper-defensive teenage girl twitter militia. It almost makes you question the band because all the most fanatical followers suck so bad. Sorry, but I'm still purging 2016 resentment toward the Bernie people who allegedly cared about progressive values so much that they stayed home on election day or voted Jill Stein. I get the distrust of Hillary/the establishment and that resentment. I sympathize. But anyone who didn't vote in the general because Bernie wasn't the D candidate can get fucked. I learned my lesson when I voted for Ralph Nader at age 18. I was told there was essentially "no difference" between Bush and Gore. They were both beholden to corporate interests and two sides of the same coin. Voting for a third party candidate was the only way to really send a message that the two party system wasn't working. The democrats simply did not offer a meaningful alternative to republicans. I heard all of the rationales. I voted in Texas, so my vote made no difference, but Nader likely spoiled that fucking election. And think of how insanely consequential that election became post-911. Iraq, massive deficits, US (then worldwide) economic collapse. So unless Al Gore would have gone to war with Iraq while cutting taxes, increasing spending, and deregulating banks and financial institutions, there did seem to be a difference. This "lesser of two evils" thing turned out to be a game I needed to get used to playing. Maybe it's not wise to throw one's vote into a paper shredder just to "make a point." If Bernie gets the nomination, I will be fucking first in line to vote for him even though "Bernie or Bust" people make me ragey. I just don't get these people. No matter how liberal or bona fide you insist you are, anyone who would actively make a decision that politically benefits Donald Trump might as well be Sean Hannity in my book. Worse than useless. To repurpose a phrase from the alt-right: fuck your feelings.
  5. These people disgust me. Get over yourself and compromise like the rest of us adults have to do on a daily basis. I am having to unfollow people like this on twitter who just shit on "establishment" or allegedly defective progressives in their feed. It's as if they give no fucks that Trump is president and our country, constitution, and institutions are being disgraced and mocked on a daily basis. Seriously, what fucking world do you live in where ANY democrat is more of a concern than Trump (and his enablers)? Berniebros, after we get rid of Trump, avert World War III, and clean up the corruption/treason/malfeasance vomit/shit puddle he and his cronies left behind, we will have all the time in the world to fight about the soul/control of the progressive platform. In the meantime, show up and fucking vote. Better yet, campaign for all progressives up and down the ballot, even the non-Bernies. Your crosshairs are on the wrong guy.
  6. Not a movie, but this Godfather Legacy thing on the Reelz channel is fucking amazing. Has screen tests of the actors, backstory, interviews with Coppola, Pacino, etc., just tons of behind the scenes stuff, critical interpretations. Badass. Edit: just looked - I think this came out in 2012
  7. Berniebros and "the pure" are casting Beto as a corporate asset. WTF? He ran his entire campaign on Bernie's fucking model.
  8. And holy shit, if you didn't believe the whole "Russia and US can fight ISIS together" thing was bullshit and a front, you do now. "Joint cyber terrorism task force." Jesus we are so dumb and so fucked.
  9. Reading the article now. Totally corroborates the Steele memo's stuff about the Kremlin seeking intelligence/dirt on Russian expats and having people with Russian ties on "the inside" at different institutions.
  10. And it's so clear that he is as insecure as we've ever seen him. Talking about his fucking electoral victory, projecting the fantastical view he has of himself into his tweets: "favorite" "hero" "popular." Trying to get an attaboy for doing his fucking job. He is just screaming for validation and adulation. Fox better bring their A-game tomorrow.
  11. Yeah, that tweet is next level delusional. He's going to start confusing TV with reality and end up in a paranoid psychosis like Ellen Burstyn's character in Requiem for a Dream.
  12. He’s going full Howard Hughes pretty soon. “Leave the McDonald’s outside the door.” (While he shuffles around a dark bedroom with 4 TVs on, all tuned to Fox News) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Amazing how Republicans will stretch the bounds of reason to make this a democrat shutdown. R: "Give me a billion dollars so I can buy these magic beans!" D:: "No. Those are stupid." R: "Sign this bill or I will shut down the government! That will create all kinds of havoc and hurt Federal employees!" D:: "You're being ridiculous." [Mitch McConnell addressing Congress]"...Now we have a government shutdown, all because the Democrats refuse to support a commonsense magic bean buying policy."
  14. I played a Tone King recently. Was reeeeeal nice. I think it was the Imperial MkII or something like that.
  15. I'd be really interested to know what their big influences were for this movie. The Girl Who Got Rattled reminded me of that famous Ambrose Bierce story where the union solider is trapped in a well or ravine or something (no spoliez). Saw nods to Blood Meridian (pretty sure one character was called "the kid") and nods to western artists and authors like Dobie, Tom Lea and Frederick Remington. The Coens used some kind of filter effect to create amazing colors for a lot of the movie (kind of like Soderbergh did with Traffic except he used it to saturate certain scenes with one color). It was beautiful without being too cartoonish. I'm sure they looked at a milion old west books with "plate illustrations" like the title book had. Here's a pen and ink from some Dobie books, and they have captions just like the book in the movie did. "The manner of settling difficulties" Tom Lea
  16. Here's a bunch of DI boxes. https://houston.craigslist.org/msg/d/assorted-direct-boxes-di-box/6772619394.html
  17. He presents it like he's doing magic.
  18. I would knock that Martin over and crack the neck the first day I owned it. For some reason handling valuable guitars makes me MORE prone to drop them. This is also why I will not hold a newborn baby unless I'm sitting down.
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