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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. Ok, Sweetwater is basically selling everything now for either 36 or 48 months 0% interest. Now, if you don't pay it off by then, you're fucked, but still. $70/mo for 36 mos. $43/mo for 48 months $100/mo for 48 months
  2. Just got this yesterday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Pretty sweet stupid deal of the day: https://www.musiciansfriend.com/guitars/fender-limited-edition-american-professional-offset-telecaster-with-maple-fingerboard I love Tele offsets.
  4. Was at Rockin Robin the other day to get some patch cables. Y'all may remember me posting about this in May, but this fucker still hasn't been sold. Price is still $2,199 so it may not be a used amp. You can get one new for $1,999 from Humbucker Music in different colors. I'd go make an offer of $2,000 on this monster if I needed a new amp.
  5. Grandioso


    Just picked up Son Volt’s Okemah and the Melody of Riot- my fav of theirs. Never before released on vinyl and has some wicked outtakes and live performances. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. One more
  7. Remider: there is no more creative builder thah Kauer.. c
  8. And by the way, Roger Taylor is playing lights out drums WHILE singing fucking David Bowie's part. Can I get a fuckin' witness?
  9. Not sure what Brian May is using here, but this is some tasty 80's chorus.
  10. Goddamit I just watched Ace of Base videos for like 15 minutes. These threads are such bear traps.
  11. Joe F'n Biden. From the hilarious memes, to the Obama bro-love, to this eulogy, what a guy.
  12. New Stuff released in past 7 days or so:
  13. I want a coral strat so bad now.
  14. If you want a master class in what grace looks like, I highly recommend watching the last episode of Ken Burns' The Vietnam War. He could not have stood in starker contrast to the cynical, craven rot that currently inhabits capitol hill. It's going to be interesting watching the Trumpkins and Fox News faithful debate whether they want to "claim" McCain or not.
  15. If I run this into that Magic and dime the amp, will I sound like Neil?
  16. Good:
  17. Lies don't matter to people who desperately want to be lied to. The 30% is full of infowarriors and a growing Q Anon "fringe" that is becoming less fringe-y every day. Is there a more credulous group of people in America outside of cults and some organized religions?
  18. She should debate Elizabeth Warren.
  19. Some people called in to just whine about keeping politics out of our show, others were trolls showing up to shit all over our facebook page and threatening to stop listening and donating (uh, you're a rabid conservative and our station airs fucking "Democracy Now" every morning, do you really donate?). There was one lady who obviously didn't listen to one single second of the interview and showed up just looking for fights. She just saw our post that included the words "Beto O'Rourke" and lost her shit.
  20. I got to interview Beto for the Texas music radio show I volunteer with (and sometimes host/co-host). Because Beto is a campaigning machine, his campaigning manager gave me 7 minutes (!?!) to do a prerecorded interview on the phone. He talked about 25-30 minutes which I edited into a 3 part interview. We're a music show, 90% of the conversation is about Texas music and culture. Because the FCC prohibits boxing out one candidate in favor of another, e.g., selling ad time or giving access to only one side, I e-mailed Ted Cruz's site and invited him to talk about the same type of stuff. /still waiting for a response. It was pretty impressive how many conservatives were triggered, even though (1) we had a giant preamble before playing the interview and epilogue after the interview about how our show does not endorse candidates or parties, (2) we are a super liberal peacenick community radio station, and (3) the interview was very light on politics. Send me a direct message if you want a link to a recording.
  21. Grandioso

    Led Zeppelin

    BTW - Reliable research is showing that the head is a Dallas Arbiter Power 100. Not sure what kind of cab it's sitting on. The weird Jetsons-looking monolith on the right is a Rickenbacker Transonic TS202 cab.
  22. Grandioso

    Led Zeppelin

    And when I was trying to find out what amp/cab he's using, this came up. All those kids on the floor probably heard ringing for a week.
  23. The Church of Satan are basically secular humanists who enjoy a good troll. I don't have kids but I'd trust anyone in the church of Satan over an extremely evangelical Christian to babysit my kids and not completely fuck up their heads.
  24. A comedian/director edits together a real news story with his own footage. One of my favorite Youtube clips ever.
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