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Posts posted by Grandioso

  1. I echo what lots of folks here are saying. Some more thoughts...

    Today's move was so bold that Mueller had to know that it would give Trump the strongest pretext to date for firing him. The FBI came in and seized the files, computers, etc. that are going to show where all the bodies are buried. He's been Trump's lawyer since at least 2011. That's another reason I think the end is nigh. Mueller wouldn't have pulled the trigger on this unless his work was 90%+ done and ready to hand over to the next guy. And yes, it was other FBI people that oversaw and operated these raids, but this was just Mueller being overly cautious. Also, it forces Trump to have to take on the entire FBI and can't focus on Mueller as a single target/bad apple. The more Trump has to allege that every person in the FBI is conspiring against him, the crazier he looks.

    • Like 3
  2. This is apparently coming out this year. One of us sick fucks is probably going to buy this. 



    CIOKS OVERKILL is not for small pedalboards… This enormous power house will power huge rigs with its 25
    isolated outlets. Each of the six 400mA outlets will power any Eventide, Strymon or Empress pedal. All 24 DC
    outlets can be set to deliver the standard 9V DC but also voltages 6, 12 and 18V are obtainable from a single
    outlet. Two outlets are with SAG feature for e.g. fuzz pedals. By combining two outlets using the included
    Series adapter Flex you can also power Radial Tonebone pedals with 15V, vintage EHX pedals with 24V or
    other needing these voltage values. The included Parallel adapter Flex can make an 800mA source out of
    two 400mA outlets if you need that for say a Kingsley pedal or other that needs more than 400mA. A seventh
    400mA source can be made from the two 200mA outlets. For AC pedals use the last outlet with 9 or 12V AC.
    Using the included Split Flex or 3-way daisy chain Flex you can power 2 or 3 pedals of a single outlet.


  3. 5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Do you think that the pathetic, repeated contradictions even register in the reptilian brains of his supporters?

    Of course not.

    Enough with your reptile bashing. Even they are capable of cognition, problem solving, and having the intuition to advance their own self-interests.

  4. Minority View:

    I think Bonamassa has excellent touch and expressiveness. And I am not one so inclined to get all excited about the "next big thing." Whenever I hear about a new "virtuoso," especially if it's a blues player, I get skeptical AF and just roll my eyes. It's just going to be a really talented guy beating a dead horse, e.g., doing Jimi or SRV, and bringing nothing new to the table. But I was flipping channels one night and saw a special of Bonamassa's was on PBS or something and I stopped to check it out. I was ready to pick the fucker apart for being unoriginal or too mechanical but he won me over in one song. He was doing some unique shit and his energy was perfect. I never listen to him much, but I give him credit for making his own mark.

  5. Same auction place that's doing SRV's first pro guitar has a lot of vintage music posters on auction ending April 15th. I bet a lot of these will go for semi-affordable prices. I'm posting some that caught my eye.


    No bids on this one yet (opening bid is $500)


    Current bid: $550


    Current bid $750


    Current bid: $600


    Current bid: $850


    No bids (opening bid is $500)




  6. 25 minutes ago, retread said:

    A pinch of Benny Hill for flavor

    Ignatius, Chauncey Gardiner, Generic Bond Villain, Benny Hill, and how about these too:

    (Watching Fox News)the_aviator_movie_71391-1600x1200.jpg

    Fantasizing about positive TV coverage


    Being a mad child with too much fucking power


    Having constant delusions and no one corrects him


    And talking like a 14 year old girl.

    "I'm, like, really smart...and we're leaving Syria, like, really soon."


    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  7. Trump's accusations really are 98.5% projections of himself onto others. I'm surprised there isn't a tweet that says, "HILLARY SPENT WAY MORE TIME ON HAIR AND MAKEUP THAN ME DURING CAMPAIGN!"

  8. 5 minutes ago, retread said:


      Reveal hidden contents


    'MBS was actually bragging about it in Saudi Arabia when it happened, that he and Jared sat up until 4am discussing things, and Jared brought him this list.'

    The Riyadh source said: 'They sat for several hours together. They literally laid out the future map of the entire region, that's why they stayed up to the early hours of the morning from the afternoon before.' 

    The intelligence allegedly discussed during Kushner's visit to the Middle East last October was said to have came from U.S. wiretaps on conversations between Arab royals in hotels in London, in major U.S. cities and even on yachts docked close to Monte Carlo, a favorite playground of the super-rich.

    A separate source told DailyMail.com that it was being said in the Gulf that the president's son-in-law took a copy of information from the daily intelligence briefing provided by the intelligence community to the White House, and shared its contents with MBS.

    The intelligence named several family members who were opposed to his rise, it was said.

    'Kushner got hold of an intelligence briefing,' said the Riyadh palace source, recounting the version which originated with MBS. 'At that time he had a high level of security clearance and had access to that. He copied it and provided its contents to MBS.

    'The CIA are doing their job by briefing the president on what is happening internationally. 

    'This is a briefing by the CIA to tell the president that some members of the Saudi royal family are plotting in this and that country.

    'Kushner took that part of the briefing and flew to Saudi Arabia to impress MBS.'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5575395/Saudi-crown-prince-brags-Jared-Kushner-handed-U-S-intelligence.html#ixzz5Bprt4qf0
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



    Time for Woke Gowdy and the Equal-Opportunity Justice Gang to get the band back together, open up an investigation, and seek the truth.

    Or not...whatever... 




  9. G&L doesn't make many shredder guitars but they are definitely capable of excellence. This is a badass rig made by their custom shop.

    The matte finish is sweet - "Jet Black Frost"


  10. On 4/4/2018 at 11:58 AM, Escapedgoat said:

    Pete Rose Hits.



    This is what I was going to say. Pete Rose had a 24-year career with a lifetime average of .303. He had a 200+ hit season when he was 38.

    Forget about it. 

    Starting this season, Altuve would need to average 176 hits/season until age 45 just to tie Pete Rose.

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