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Posts posted by Grandioso

  1. Trump is carrying the proud tradition of portraying immigrants as "floods" and "swarms," like a malicious invasive species.

    Swarthy dirty Slavs, Italians, criminals, socialists, and riff raff from Europe...


    Crocodile Papists...


    Boats of hideous Jewish stereotypes, escorted by a Jewish fish!...


    Wide open border for locust-like swarms of Chinamen



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  2. ^^^ That woman is ignorant. Reptilians can manipulate human genetic coding! You think they couldn't beat a dumb DNA test? Not to mention the fact that thousands of years ago, reptilians interbred with humans so there's tons of overlap in DNA anyways. I'm embarrassed for that woman.

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  3. Maybe don't fuck with an economy supported by literally billions of good lil' commies that will do anything the government asks of them..



    “China has never succumbed to external pressure,” Zhu Guangyao, vice minister of finance, said at a news briefing on Wednesday. He added, “External pressure will only make the Chinese people more focused on economic development.”

    Prediction: Trump is going to backpeddle or soften his stance, China will make some tiny or symbolic concession, and then Trump will declare victory.


  4. There are lots of recent movies that were "great," e.g., Arrival, Boyhood, Midnight in Paris. But if we are talking "great" as in standing tall above its peers, there are still at least a couple. Of the past 10 years, these are movies I'd consider "great" and candidates to become ubiquitous pop culture references. I.e., I see these movies holding up for years and becoming "classics." Naturally, this is going to include lighter stuff like comedies and superhero movies. I think it's tougher for dramas to stand out because usually their competition is so stiff.

    Get Out




    Slumdog Millionaire

    No Country for Old Men


    The Dark Knight

    Iron Man

    The Hangover


  5. Abby Livingston with the Texas Tribune is a great follow on Twitter for Texas politics, especially this race. This is an interesting thread.

    The energy and organizing behind Beto's campaign has been awesome, but I'm realistic and Texas probably gonna Texas this fall. But Beto's work will not be in vain - his strategy and intensive local approach can be a road map for others. And by the way...


    ...this is so weak. Cruz spends most of his time in Texas meeting with "job creators," which is R-speak for multimillion dollar businesses and their lobbyists. And if Beto's "drive by" campaign event strategy is so lame, why are you doing it too, Ted?

    Today's schedule:

    9am - campaign event in Midland

    12pm - campaign event in Amarillo

    3pm - campaign event in Wichita Falls

    6:30pm - campaign event in Fort Worth


  6. Trump's recent strategy of persuasion through terrifying imagery and allegations isn't even working on the base. People are giving him as much credence as the paranoid schizophrenic on the street corner.

  7. There are a ton of great photos from the Stones' tax-dodging "exile" in France. 



    For the guitar/amp thread folks, see if you can identify everything in this photo:


    Here's an excellent gallery.


    You can also google image search "rolling stones france." Sometimes I forget that the craziest, most pussy-chasing, hardest-partying dude in the band was Texas' own Bobby Keys. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, retread said:

    1000 Mexican citizens are marching north, and they're going to take over the US.

    They're actually "sub-Mexicans" from Central America. And they're all MS-13 members who will be given immediate amnesty and welfare checks according to the immigration laws that are currently on the books.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    get them to start thinking critically

    This in itself is a herculean task and is going to run counter to massive amounts of psychological conditioning on how to think (and not think) by Fox News. BTW, opposition to critical thinking is routinely listed as the number one warning sign someone is in a cult. 

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