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Posts posted by Grandioso

  1. 4 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    LOL, bitch is getting lit the fuck up.  You can bet your ass on Hannity watching these proceedings rather closely.  

    Now that's a scalp I'd love to see on the wall. 

  2. 23 hours ago, Laga4 said:

    We used to go to a place in Houston back in the mid 70's called Liberty Hall on Chenevert St.  

    That's where Springsteen played when he was first starting out. This is the "Greetings from Liberty Hall" recording, which KPFT did and broadcast the show live.


    A December 1978 show recorded at the Summit was "officially" released last fall to benefit Hurricane relief. You can hear him dedicate It's Hard to be a Saint in the City "for all the folks from the Liberty Hall days."


    • Like 1
  3. On 3/30/2018 at 12:55 PM, Jive Turkey said:

    Nobody has ever been able to turn this masterpiece into a 2 hour movie. But with the rise in one off, 10 episode serials, this would be perfect. 


    In Patton Oswalt's "Silver Screen Fiend" he has a section where he imagines an alternate history where certain movies (that were either abandoned, turned disastrous, or no one tried) got made. He starts with Blood Meridian and A Confederacy of Dunces, which he notes that many people consider "unfilmable."  

    You can read it on google books. Pages 171-172

  4. Saturday pron delivery. In honor of Angus Young's birthday today, let's check out some SGs.


    Duane Allman's 1961 Gibson "Les Paul"



    Keith Richards' 1963 Gibson SG Custom



    Clapton's 1964 Gibson SG: "The Fool"



    Carlos Santana's 1968 Gibson SG Special (with P-90s) - If you look closely you can see the holes where the trem had been attached.


    Have a good weekend. Let there be rock.




    • Like 1
  5. Hardcore Fox News viewers could not be a better target for psychographic profiling and exploitation. Here is a readymade group of people who consume hours of propaganda per day from one source. They feed their confirmation biases to the point of becoming psychologically conditioned to accept anything in line with the narrative.

    I'd bet that if I went and "liked" Fox News on Facebook right now, even though none of my other likes are "conservative," my feed would bloat with advertisements and "suggestions" tied to that profile. E.g., "Suggested Post: 'Clinton E-mails Reveal Possible Links to Seth Rich Murder' by wokepatriot.com." If I went and liked "Move On" something similar might happen with lefty sites, but probably not to such a high degree. And also my bullshit detector is still going to be functioning because I haven't smashed it into a thousand pieces by watching Fox News for years. 

    If I'm a market researcher and I want to manipulate your opinions or make money off of clicks, "liking" Fox News is going to be the first piece of data I put in my "Credulous Ape" algorithm.  

    • Like 1
  6. I have a request - What are everyone's favorite episodes of podcasts? Like, mind-blowing and fascinating or ridiculously funny. So for podcasts where each episode is a stand alone story or topic where you can just walk right in, what are your favorites?

    Radiolab - Rodney Versus Death - Maybe the most thrilling and amazing episode I've ever heard.

    Cracked - Why the Food Industry is Evil - Awesome discussion of obesity and how the food industry basically operates like a dope pusher.

    How Did This Get Made - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie - Jason Mantzsoukas is next-level hilarious and incredulous in this episode.

    More Perfect - The Imperfect Plaintiffs - About guy who finds fact patterns/plaintiffs and gets them to the Supreme Court essentially as a hobby, and the strange, sad story behind Lawrence v. Texas.

    You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes - The Return of Harris Wittels - Houston-raised comedian and comedy writer talks about his opiate addiction, rehab, etc. Tragically, he died of a heroin overdose 3 months later.

    Frontline - Gunned Down - About the gun debate and the rise of the NRA.

    The CrabFeast - Episode 38: Brandt Tobler - This dude's life whole life story is wild. It's especially incredible when he talks about being a runner for ultra-high stakes gamblers in Vegas. 

    Sklarbro Country - Episode 42: This is a Podcast - Great complete episode but James Adomian as Gary Busey during the last 1/3rd is the hardest I've ever laughed at any podcast.

    If others come to me, I'll post them here.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, pyrohornIII said:

    When I saw the thread title, the first thing that came to mind was this documentary.


    Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

    Done nearly 14 years ago...and it still carries water today. 

    You can watch  (or re-watch it) on Amazon Prime.


    "Some people say......."

  8. 27 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    You skipped Leg Day. S'OK, I skipped Leg Day too.

    Since around last fall I've been skipping every day. I've got skinny limbs and a gut right now. The chicks love it.

    • Like 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Is he casting a spell?


    He was using witchcraft to make the kid stop crying because innocent children can innately sense his demonic presence and freak out when he appears.

  10. Last year I was standing in line at Edwards movie theater here in Houston to see "Get Out" and I looked up and noticed a familiar little pear-shaped man standing in front of me. 


    Here is a picture of him talking to a guy and his toddler son, which almost makes him seem human and not a reptilian shapeshifter. 


    I was going to get an ironic photo with him but about 5 seconds after I took this, he got mobbed by a group of about 25 asian high school boys / future Surly Horns. I talked to a couple of his aides for a few minutes. They seemed like ok dudes.

    About a month ago, I got this photo with his future replacement. You can see where my avatar comes from.


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Ivanka is more Cersei Lannister.  Spoiled her entire life and owes all her authority to her father except Trump is no Tywin.  He’s Joeffrey.

    Mueller is Barristan Selmy for sure.

    Putin is Littlefinger.

    Trump is the lovechild of Joffrey and Hodor.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  12. The problem with Serial was that the podcast essentially used Adnan's appellate brief at the time as a starting point: "what are the holes in this case against Adnan?" Then, not a single key witness is interviewed (admittedly because no one wanted to talk to Sarah Koenig). Everyone was spinning their wheels about Asia and Nisha - two witnesses who don't mean shit compared to nearly everyone else - because the show made them seem important. We didn't hear from any of the detectives, lab technicians, Jay, the Lee family, Hae Min's closest friends, Hae Min's teacher, the cell phone tower expert, the medical examiner, Don, and more. 

  13. I love strolling through memory lane over on RT. It's bananas how aligned they are with Fox News and everything Trump says. 

    November 2016


    Moscow’s ‘influence’ on US election a myth – Russian FM to Italian newspaper


    “It is symptomatic that the authors of such insinuations, who had inflated Russophobic hysteria in the United States on the eve of the vote, are now playing mum. No promised ‘evidence’ of interference in the electoral process has been presented neither to the American, nor to the international public,” Lavrov said. 


    This confirms once again that the whole story is from the field of myth-making with a goal to solve the short-term political objectives,” the foreign minister added.

    December 2016


    ‘It’s ridiculous’: Trump on CIA claims that Moscow helped him win US Presidency


    Donald Trump says that reported claims by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) accusing Russia of meddling in the US election to help him become president are “ridiculous” and just “another excuse.”

    The billionaire made the statement in an interview to Fox News. “I think it's ridiculous. I think it's just another excuse. I don't believe it,” he said. 

    He noted that these claims are being made by his opponents to explain the victory over Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton.


    Nobody really knows, and hacking is very interesting. Once they hack, if you don't catch them in the act you're not going to catch them,” Trump countered in his interview.

    “They have no idea if it's Russia or China or somebody. It could be somebody sitting in a bed some place,” he went on to say.

    • Like 1
  14. Sergei Lavrov said it better anyways


    “While the majority of Democrats cannot get over their resentment over the loss of their candidate in the presidential election, and a significant part of the Republicans are annoyed with the unsystematic nature of the current administration, including the president, this anti-Russian story and hysteria unfolding in the US reflects a domestic political struggle”


    “For almost a year since the US began investigating [Donald] Trump's ties with Russia and Russia's interference in the election campaign on the side of the Republicans, there have been hearings staged, special investigations launched, a special prosecutor appointed, dozens of people interviewed, and … with so many characters involved in the process, there has been not a single leak about at least a single fact that would support the allegations,”


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