Great thread topic, thank you for prompting. I had not sat down yet this year and put things on paper like I usually do the week between Christmas and New Years. Most people don't have a plan that fails, but more often, fail to plan.
Continue maxing out 401k. Starting my 27th year with the same company, so I feel decent about retirement fund. Likely going to grind another 10 years and try to get to 65. Sell my recently deceased FIL's house. Use equity to remodel beach house. We have an unfinished first floor that will add a lot of usable square footage and will prepare us for future family growth (spouses and gr kids good Lord willing) and add a lot of value.
One in college (jr) and two more soon. Continue $100/week + $500 monthly + $1,500 quarterly to Vanguard Brokerage and 529. Comes out to appx $17K a year, for college and what i call the intermediate needs fund. Been pounding it for 20 years and have tinkered with the amounts based on needs/earnings etc.. dollar cost averaging and compounding for the younger readers is a phenomenon that is real and is hard to understand when young, but just do it, you will never miss $50 a week or whatever, and one day you will look up and be happy.
Based on college expenses thus far, should be aok with what is in the account and what im adding if my 9th grade math is correct. Continue to keep debt limited to mortgages (2) and 2 autos, could pay both cars off but the one Apr is 1.7% and the other is a lower balance. 3 paid for. Like someone said above, we too drive them until the wheels fall off.
Would be thrilled with 10% this year from the market (almost entirely in index funds) after 2 years of 25%+. Continue to horde cash from quarterly bonuses. Wife (no pics) is a realtor so we have a tax bill every year and she has a nice cash pile plus 2 paid off rentals. I like to keep a certain amount completely liquid, just my thing. I feel like keeping 10%-15% in cd's and savings allows me to sleep well at night, I can be a bit of a cynic with money.
Good luck to all, though if you reading this , you are already doing the right thing by educating yourself and making sure to have a plan.
nice job!